9. So close yet so far

Start from the beginning

"What the hell do you think of yourself? Are you some queen that people should always run behind to talk to you?" Shivaay shouted at her.

"And what's with the messages getting lesser and lesser, Annika? Are you trying to avoid me?" He continued shouting.

"Stop it, Shivaay! Go and check the call log, you will know, who disappeared." Annika shouted equally, long forgetting the awkwardness.

"Wow Annika! You are shouting at me!"

"It was you who first shouted, Mister!"

"I would, because you just ignored my call."

"Are you some king that I should not ignore your call?"

"You could very well ignore that call, but not mine."

"Why so? Pray tell."

"Because I'm Shivaay Singh Oberoi, and none dares to ignore me."

"Excuse me, I was not ignoring."

"Annika, just cut that topic off."

"It was actually you who started that!"

"Easy guys! This is giving me some battle vibes," Daksh, who was with Shivaay, happened to hear their conversation.

"Hey beautiful lady! I'm Daksh, Shivaay's friend, and you must be Annika," he introduced himself on getting a confused glance.

"Oh.. hey, I'm Annika, and I think I have seen you somewhere..," she tried to remember.

"Yep, you must have seen him in your dreams," Shivaay said.

"Shut up, Shivaay."

"Shivaay, let her speak at least," Daksh told him.

"You don't know her Daksh!" Shivaay said irritated.

"Guys please.. relax!" Sid said joining them.

"Hello Sid bhaiya! How are you?" Annika asked him excitedly.

"I'm all good Anika, so.. how's it going.. the Bandra deal and all.."

"That drained to no end bhaiya, and moreover those stupid Khurannas' too were so tough to dea....," Annika's eyes widened in realization when she took the Khurannas' and immediately she looked up at Daksh.

"Well,I think you guessed right Annika. I'm Daksh, that stupid Khuranna." Daksh said winking at her.

"I... I am Sorry Daksh!" Annika told him embarrassed.

"Haha..Chill Annika! I was just kidding and moreover we are friends and I don't mind," he told genuinely smiling at her.

"Ok. I didn't know you were friends with, Shivaay." She said slightly confused. "Do you mind if I called you Daksh?" She added unsure.

"Ofcourse! I wouldn't mind! And professional rivalry should not affect the personal relationship, Am I right?".

"Absolutely! and it's amazing to see you all together," she said remembering how their parents here are always at loggerheads.

"That we are, amazing and dashing, as always." he replied laughing.

"This. This is what I hate about you all." She rolled her eyes.

"I hate you too, darling!"

"Darling sounds better, you know," she said winking.

"Well.. I don't mind either. But, I don't think your darling might like it." Daksh said looking at Shivaay.

"Well. Let's just ignore he ever existed." She said making both of them burst into giggles.

Shivaay and Sid were dumbfounded by the way the two were talking because the Annika they knew would never talk to a complete stranger with such ease, and they wondered how she changed so much in such a short time.
"We are just friends, Daksh and nothing more than that," she felt the need to clarify.

"Is that so, Shivaay?" Daksh turned to him surprised.

"Shivaay... Shivaay... Where are you lost?" she asked, not getting any response.

"Nowhere, Annika. I was just wondering how come you changed so much," he said coming out of the reverie.

"People change with time, Shivaay, and I'm no different." Annika replied.

"Look at you  talking so deep, you seem like a different person." Shivaay said.

"Maybe." Annika shrugged.

"Aren't you supposed to be in classes?" He asked.

"Yeah! But I took a day off, and I'm off to office now, and how come you are free?" She asked making her way out.

"Even we took a day off."

"What in the name of Jesus, Shivaay, The Shivaay Singh Oberoi took a day off to call me," she said dramatically.

"Don't think too much. I just wanted to complete my project, and so the day off, not to talk to you."

"Yeah, whatever! Bye Shivaay! I'm really getting late, and I will definitely call you tonight," she said when she saw the time.

"I don't trust you to call me, Annika, but yeah, bye, and I'm waiting for your call," he said blowing a kiss over the phone.

"Bye Shivaay!" she said quickly and cut the call.

She felt her cheeks heating up at his act, and her heart picked up speed. These things never happened before, and this was all new to her. She decided to think about this later and moved out, trying to distract herself and prepare for the meeting.

 She decided to think about this later and moved out, trying to distract herself and prepare for the meeting

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