Chapter 27: It Actually...

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3rd Person Pov:
Yoongi looked through the gap of his hands to see them. To see how the people behind the cameras reacted to these new events. He smiled slightly as he noticed how frustrated and confused they were. Yoongi slowly got up and walked in the same direction that Yeri went. The small smile on his face remained there even after exiting the park and escaping from the cameras. On the other hand, Taehyung lifted up his head slightly and his gaze looked back. He noticed how confused and disappointed the camera people were after exiting the restaurant. Taehyung smiled as he heard their sighs and quickly hid behind a dumpster in an alley. The camera crew carried their equipment in great defeat as they passed by Taehyung. The man who smiled had realized the plan was a success and everyone believed what happened. Taehyung got up from his spot and started to walk toward his company. He knew what was coming next. Yoongi knew what was coming next. Even the girls knew. Yet, they didn't mind. They wanted to escape this cycle of lies so badly and this was their only choice. Well, saying the 'only choice' is a little dramatic. It was the only choice that would make their companies focus on them. And that was good enough to them for an escape. Lisa paid for the food with the money that Taehyung gave her and got up from her seat. Her small smirk never leaving as she left the restaurant. Yeri giggled to herself silently as she made her way toward Bighit. Yoongi and Taehyung met up along the way. They looked at one another with the biggest smiles as they walked together toward the company. They were all happy with what they did.

There the four of them stood at the front of Bighit's entrance. Yoongi and Taehyung stared at Yeri and Lisa with small smiles. Yeri and Lisa giggled silently as they winked at them. "You ready?" Yoongi asked, staring at the entrance doors. He knew what was on the other side of these doors. A furious manager ready to scold at them for straying away with the plan. "Yeah, let's do it!" Lisa exclaimed, already facing the door. Taehyung and Yoongi looked at one another as they softly grabbed one another's hands. They let go immediately as Yeri was the first one to enter the doors.

Followed by Lisa and finally, Yoongi and Taehyung. Yoongi's guess was right because once they entered, a furious manager was marching over to them. The four gave each other looks before facing their heads down ready for the yelling. "What was that?" The manager asked, arms crossed. "What was what?" Yoongi asked, shoulders tensed. He knew what was about to happen but, he was never truly prepared for this part. "What was the whole 'we need a break' part, huh?" The manager asked again, hands going to their hips. The four looked up then, at one another as they stayed silent.

"How many times did you guys stray away from our plan? Do you know how many?" The manager kept questioning, rubbing his forehead. The four continued to stay silent as they shook their head. "Ugh, looks like I'm not going anywhere with this type of attitude. Wait here." The manager spoke, getting out their phone. The manager soon left the area for a moment leaving the four to sigh in relief. "I didn't expect that kind of reaction, to be honest," Lisa spoke, feeling her chest. Her heart was racing once the manager stood in front of them.

"How did you not expect that? We pretty much disobeyed every rule here by now." Yoongi asked, chuckling to himself afterward. "Looks like Yoongi Hyung and I did pick up something from Seokjin Hyung!" Taehyung teased. "Well, I expected less anger but, was I wrong," Lisa replied, hiding her laughter behind her hand. "Laughter aside, what will we do next after this?" Yeri asked. "Yeah, I'm curious too. What will we do, say, and all that stuff?" Lisa chimed in? Taehyung and Yoongi thought for a moment and slightly panicked. "I'm gonna be honest with you all and say, we never expected to get this far in the plan," Taehyung spoke.

"What?" The girls asked. "It was Seokjin's idea, did you honestly think it would work?" Yoongi explained, hands at his hips. "Well..." Yeri mumbled. They all faced forward quickly as they heard footsteps approaching them. The manager walked over to them, phone no longer in their hand. In fact, their hands were placed behind their back so, you couldn't really tell. "Guess what?" The manager spoke which caught everyone's attention. "I called the companies and told them about today's date." The manager admitted, a smile beginning to form.

Everyone held their breath as soon as they heard that. "I hope you all have an explanation for your actions and decisions all prepared." The manager spoke. "Because you'll need it for tomorrow." They added, sternly. "Wait, what?" Yeri questioned, slightly confused. "Tomorrow morning at 8 AM sharp, you all have a little meeting with your CEOs about what's going on. So, you all better be prepared." The manager explained, voice getting sterner by the minute. "Understood?" The manager asked, arms crossed. "Yes, manager!" The four exclaimed. "Good. Now, please, leave and do whatever you need to do." The manager spoke and the four walked around them.

Once the door behind them closed meaning the manager wouldn't hear them, the four laughed and smiled non-stop. "And so it seems we have a new step for this operation," Yoongi spoke, heading toward their rooms. "Which is?" Lisa asked, curious. "Operation Explanation so, you all know the drill on what to do by now, right?" Yoongi asked, turning around to face the others. "Yep! Meet at 8 AM tomorrow and tell the truth to the CEOs to end this horrible cycle." Lisa listed out. Yoongi nodded and the girls reached their rooms. They waved goodbye and their doors shut behind them. Taehyung opened his door first and looked at Yoongi who stared back.

Yoongi walked inside Taehyung's room as Taehyung shut the door behind them.

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