Chapter 5: The Interview

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All of us stepped out of the bus and hurried are way into the apartment. We made it to Busan and we just needed to sign in our apartment complex to get ready. "The room has three-bedrooms, two bunk beds, a small bed, and one big bed. It should be enough to fit you all, the staff will live separately." Our manager explained and we nodded. "Alright, here is how it will go. Jungkook, Jimin, Seokjin, and Hoseok have the bunk-bedroom. Namjoon has the small bedroom and Taehyung and Yoongi have the big bedroom." The manager listed as we put our suitcases away. I slightly blushed at my bedroom partner being Taehyung. We'll have a bed all to ourselves. "Any changes or questions?" The manager asked and I shook my head quickly. "Alright, then, come on. We have to get you ready!" Our manager exclaimed as he noticed the time. The door behind us was closed and we rushed to our designer teams room to quickly put on the outfits they have chosen for us. As well as fixing our hair as quickly as possible. As soon as we entered the room, our outfits were shoved in our hands and we were given separate rooms to change. I was given a grey turtle-neck sweater with black denim pants but, I still get to wear the shoes I was wearing. I was the first one to step out from changing and our hairstylist went over to check on me. She checked the quality of my hair and the style, she brushed a bit and finally walked away to get ready for the others. Soon, the others got out and I noticed what Taehyung was wearing. A white shirt with a navy jacket on, blue jeans, and brown boots. Boyfriend material? Absolutely yes for me.

The maknae line and Namjoon were given quick hairstyles before we could leave. Once the whole ordeal was over, we were rushed downstairs to the bus to go to our interview. "How long is this trip?" Jimin asked, sarcastically. I could tell he didn't want to sit down for another 4 hours. "It's just around an hour away. Don't worry about it, just think about what questions ARMYs might have for you and answer them." Our manager replied. I sighed as I looked out the window, will ARMYs question us about the latest dating rumor?


We stepped off the bus for another take of fresh air. We entered the reception center and our manager told the lady what we were doing. She immediately got up from her desk and showed us to the room where the interview would take place. It was slightly big and in the middle of the room were chairs for us to sit on. We all took a seat and stared at the camera in front of us. A few makeups artists came up to us for a few final touches. "Alright, remember. This interview is for your fans. These questions were submitted by them." The person behind the camera stated.

We all nodded and we were handed each a strip of paper. They all contained a question and my question had to be answered with a lengthy response. The cameraperson held up his hand and counted down to zero. "5...4...3...2...1" As soon as he reached one, he pointed at us. "Hello, we are BTS!" We all exclaimed with a smile on our face. "Hi, I'm Jungkook." JK introduced first. "Hi, my name is Taehyung." V was second. "Hello, I'm Jimin!" Jiminie was third.

I could we were going by age. "Hi, my name is Namjoon. I'm the leader." RM was forth, he handed the mic to Hoseok. "Hello, I'm your hope. You're my hope. My name is J-Hope." Hobi spoke and finally handed the mic to me. "I'm Min Suga." I spoke and handed the mic to Jin. "Hello, I'm Jin. I'm worldwide handsome." Seokjin introduced and I can never get used to the fact that he introduces himself that way. I sighed softly as Namjoon was handed the microphone to explain what the interview was about. "We're going to be answering questions from ARMY." He spoke with his signature dimple smile.

I looked over to Taehyung as the interview began but, he just ignored my stare. And at that moment I realized something. Taehyung is scared that the thing that happened to E'Dawn and Hyuna will happen to us. I looked back at the camera with a sadden expression but, I know someone would pick up on what was happening. I took a deep breath and recollected myself to finish this interview. And just hope that no dating rumors would pop up. I noticed that Jungkook had just finished reading his question and so, we had to answer them.

And that's what we did. With a fake smile on my face.

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