Chapter 4: Trip Time

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-3rd Person-
The day of the interview came and the boys were woken early about it. Why? Well, they were told about the interview that would happen in the afternoon but, they weren't told where. "Pack your bags, boys." The same staff manager as yesterday spoke as she entered the room. The boys looked in confusion at her as they had just woken up and were told to pack up. "The interview is the afternoon so, we don't wanna be late." She stated. "Why does that matter though, it's 5 in the morning," Taehyung spoke, rubbing his eyes. "Did you not read the paper I gave you?" She asked. All members turned to their leader who immediately went to go get it. Once he came back, all the boys surrounded him as they read it. Their eyes widen in surprise and they started to sweat a little in panic. "It's in Busan?" The boys exclaimed in unison. "Yes, it is. Now, get ready, the bus we're taking leaves at 6." The staff member explained and left the room. Soon enough, the room was set into panic as they hadn't planned the day before. "Namjoon, seriously!" Seokjin exclaimed as he realized he had access to the paper. "I'm really sorry, Jin!" Namjoon exclaimed. "Alright, alright. Let's plan out quickly." Yoongi intervened. "Jin cooks breakfast, maknae line changes and gets ready, rap line packs up quickly. Then, we'll do it in circle kind of way. Okay?" Yoongi explained and all the members agreed on the plan. Soon enough, Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung were brushing their teeth, changing into clothes, and so on. Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon got out their small suitcases as they packed what they thought was necessary. Jin was in the kitchen preparing quick eggs with bacon. The plan worked as they were all soon prepared by rotating in that circle Yoongi talked about.

~ A Few Moments Later ~

Soon enough, all the members were entering the bus and ignoring the cameras that flashed upon them. The bus they had was a private one but, still had to travel the same way. All the members found a seat and put their stuff away in the storage area. "Hey, manager. How long will take us to get to Busan?" Jimin asked as the bus started its engine. "About 4 hours. The schedule says we should arrive at 10 AM." The manager replied as he looked at the clipboard in his hands.

The members internally groaned at the wait time but, nodded. They would have nothing to do for four hours on a bus to Busan. Taehyung and Yoongi figured this could be a good time to at least be affectionate toward each other for all the time they had. Namjoon decided to get a copy of the schedule so, they could better prepare. Jimin looked outside the window as he found the roads and scenery beautiful. Hoseok and Jungkook were too busy laughing at their phones and showing one another. Everyone assumed they were probably looking at memes or funny videos on the internet.

Jin continued to look through social media to see what ARMYs were doing or what was on their mind. But, then, his mind shifted to Yoongi and Taehyung. How they suddenly left the room yesterday and their overall behavior. He had never seen Taehyung act in a way like that before in life. Yoongi wasn't the kind of person to walk out that easily. Both weren't the type of people to be so scared easily because of an argument. So, then, why did they act the way they did or do the things they did.

It just didn't add up. Jin batted an eye toward where Taehyung and Yoongi were sitting. They both fell asleep, no surprise there as they did wake up early. Yet, they slept so close to each other. Not a big deal either, all the members have done it before. But, they're holding hands while doing so! Although, BTS had always held hands with one another. What difference did it make for those two? Seokjin just couldn't pinpoint this weird feeling he was having about the two members. He doesn't like it either since he feels suspicious of two probably innocent people. Though, the thought still stuck in his head.

There is something going on between them.

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