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-3rd Person-
The dorms were quite loud as always but, not too loud. It was quiet enough to take a short nap or just sleep. The reason for that? BTS had just finished a concert and went home to rest for the night. Although they were too tired to be doing physical activities, they still talked among each other. How the concert went. Their support and love from ARMYs. Some funny mistakes they had done. Or they just talked about regular things. But, not Min Yoongi. He always wanted to head to his room and sleep. Sometimes he would talk with the others but, he would always choose to sleep. It was understandable, he was very tired from the choreography and movements he had to do. Plus their dorms weren't too loud and the temperature was just right. How can Yoongi miss the opportunity to sleep right now? "I'm going to sleep now. Goodnight." He spoke as he got up from his seat to go to his room. He heard his fellow members individually say 'Goodnight' to him before completely just hearing echoes of their voices. Once he got to his room, he quickly changed into his sleepwear and jumped into bed. He pulled the covers over him and shut the light off. Kim Taehyung kept staring at the exit Yoongi took. He felt the need to go after him and enter his room. "Hyung, is everything okay?" Jungkook asked, noticing his friend. "Hm? Oh yeah, I just realized how tired I am once Yoongi Hyung left." He replied, looking back at the group. Taehyung wasn't that tired, he just wanted an excuse to go see the older boy. "It's probably for the best if we all go to bed. We should rest up for tomorrow after all." Kim Namjoon responded.

The group agreed and started going to their rooms. Everyone left saying their 'goodnight's to one another. Everyone except Taehyung, he went last as he wanted to go to Yoongi's room without being suspicious. Although he might get caught if he keeps doing this because sometimes one of the members notice his strange behavior. They don't question it as he always had a 'weird' personality. He shut off the lights and went to Yoongi's room. He tried his best not to make any sound since the other members might hear and check out what's going on. Once he made it to the door, Taehyung noticed the door was closed and locked. He mentally thanked himself as he carried a spare key. As soon as he unlocked the door, Yoongi woke up because who dared come into his room while he slept? "Taehyung?" Yoongi questioned as he rubbed his eyes. "Yes, it's me again. You know I can't sleep without hugging something." He responded as he closed the door behind him. "Jeez, TaeTae alert me earlier if you wanna sleep with me!" Yoongi scolded as he sat up. "Sorry, kitten. I didn't know I would have the urge to cuddle you today." Taehyung replied, hiding a chuckle.

"Did the other members notice you come here?" Yoongi asked, worried. "I did the same thing I always do. Wait until they all leave so, I can come to you. So, don't worry, okay?" Taehyung answered as he slipped into the older's bed. "Alright but, remember we have to be careful," Yoongi stated as he laid down again in bed. "Of course, Yoongi Hyung." Taehyung mumbled as he pulled the older to his chest and hugged him tightly. Yoongi hid his face into the younger's chest with embarrassment as he still hasn't gotten used to this ordeal. "TaeTae? When do you think we'll tell them?" Yoongi asked as he looked at the boy in front of him. "In due time, for now, we have to lay low. Go to sleep already, you deserve it besides savor this moment again. I'll leave early in the morning as always." Taehyung explained as he closed his eyes. "Okay, I love you, Taehyung." Yoongi whispered as he closed his eyes as well.

"I love you too, Yoongi." Taehyung whispered back as he laid a kiss on the older's forehead before finally going to sleep.

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