part 12

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Sophia and Lance were back at Atlas. They looked around the site of an ambush for a shipment of Dust.

Sophia: All troops were killed but some of them were executed.

Lance: No dust is missing which means they were after information.

Sophia: You think they are after us? Or the girl?

Lance: Well, my first thought would be us, but these guys were shot but no casing from any of our guns. It looks like they had the standard Atlas rifle.

Sophia: Medic, Kingpin do any of you read me?

Leroy: Currently on the shitta.

Isaiah: I copy.

Sophia: Leroy swear jar, then both you check on that girl.

Jane: Sorry to interrupt but I'm close by I'll do it.

Sophia: Sounds good, we'll pack up here and head back.

Back at Beacon, Leroy walked out from the bathroom wiping his hands dry on his shirt. He sat down next to read but didn't realize Ruby was next to him.

Ruby: Hi.

Leroy jumped up and nearly hitting Ruby with his book.

Leroy: Fuck! What's you doing here?

Ruby: I was hoping to talk to you.

Leroy: Is it casual talk or something else?

Ruby: It's a problem I'm having.

Leroy: Is that ginger guy picking on you and needs a face full of Buckshot?

Ruby: It's a more complicated problem.

Leroy: Oh, well I never thought I would be giving this talk. I mean how do I even show you how to?

He sat to face her.

Leroy: So when a girl get to be that age her body changes and it bleeds for like a week.

Ruby: What!

Leroy: Don't worry you don't die you get emotional. It means that you're ready to have...

Ruby: Stop! I'm talking about love!

Leroy: Well why didn't you say that first?

Ruby: Why were you talking about that!

Leroy: I was confused, usually I get asked medical questions. Listen, forget that part and I'll get you food.

Ruby: Deal. I want to know how you and Winter got together.

Leroy: Well, it wasn't easy. I blew up her stuff, held her hostage, patched her up, and gave her a sticker.

Ruby: That's how it worked?

Leroy: No we just began having time together, just training then after a bit we kinda became a thing.

Ruby: How did you know she liked you?

Leroy: Just how she reacts when I hit that guy attacking her and how she always says I have to be careful. For you I'm sure it will be easy, that jaune guy seems simple.

Ruby: It's not him.

Leroy: Ah...the guy with the pink hair strand?

Ruby: Not Ren.

Leroy: If I get it right will you tell me?

Ruby: Maybe.

Leroy: Riggs?

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