Part 4

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Sophia and Lance were once again in the Emerald Forest not in their combat gear. Lance lead the way around dead Grimm.

Sophia: I'm glad to see your studying paid off.

Lance: I had some help from your daughter and white haired girl.

Sophia: It's Ruby and Weiss.

Lance: Wait, their team name is Ruby and the girl's name is Ruby?

Sophia: Well it's spelled R,w, b,y.

Lance: That's fucking dumb.

Sophia: Swear jar when we get back!

Lance: I'm out of money.

Sophia: Well...don't let Leroy know that I'm giving you a pass.

Lance: You act like we will find them.

Sophia: We will.

Lance: They've been out there for who knows how long. They could be out of ammo and having their faces munched on by these dog things.

Sophia punched him.

Sophia: Enough! If you ever say anything like that again I'm going to do worse.

Lance: Then why are you spending more time with that kid instead of searching for them?

Sophia: I am...

Ruby and Weiss walked up to them after hearing the yelling.

Ruby: Is everything okay?

Weiss: Are we finished? I have a dance to work on.

Lance: Not until I get some answers.

Ruby: For what?

Sophia: It's nothing.

Lance: Explain!

Ruby: What are you guys yelling about?

Sophia: She's like the girl from Iraq.

Weiss and Ruby were confused but Lance was even more annoyed.

Lance: They fucking left you, oh well!

Sophia: I know I've never really told you guys about it.

She took out her picture of her past.

Sophia: His name was Nicolas Decker. We were separated during basic, we convinced some people to transfer me to his squad and kept our relationship quiet.

Flashback Iran

We were kept watch at the others gave out supplies to a local town when this guy wanted a picture.

Photographer: There we go. I'll send you it when it's done.

Nicolas: See babe?

"You know you can't say that stuff out here."

Nicolas: We are just dropping off supplies.

He held his hand up rallying his team back.

Nicolas: Pack it in. Hugo, take us back to base.

He would always wait for us to get in.

Nicolas: You know the rule, team leader is the first one in and the last one out.

We did this everyday and had very few engagements. At base there was this girl that we met, trying to sell those bootleg DVDS. She was always happy to see us and we basically called her ours. Until later that day.

"Just a routine patrol?"

Nicolas: That's what I was told. Come on.

That was the last thing he's ever said to me personally. I was out from the vehicle making sure there were no IEDs. The girl was in the town that day, I should have ignored her when she yelled my name. I looked at her smiling and waving when I missed a man aiming at me.

Ghosts Of Remnant (Ghost Recon x RWBY Crossover)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang