Part 9

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Sophia was watching Leroy's weapons teaching as Winter was firing the Scorpion. She noticed that in a burst she had no problem. She walked over to here flipping it to full auto.

Sophia: Anyone can do that.

Winter fired into the target. It shook around a bit but kept a fairly close grouping.

Winter: See? This isn't that hard.

Sophia: This was just the beginning, no it's time to work on tactics.

Lance and Jane walked up to them.

Lance: They aren't getting anywhere with our friend.

Sophia: What are they doing?

Jane: Being nice guys.

Sophia: Find Isaiah, we are going to ask him.

Winter: What does that mean?

Sophia: Lance, run her through some tactics.

Lance: Got it.

Sophia: Leroy, get the doctor bag.

Sophia with Leroy and Isaiah walked in the room Ozpin walk talking to the captured White Fang.

Ozpin: May I help you?

Sophia: I'm just here to see how it's going.

She dragged a chair taking a seat in the corner with her team.

Ozpin: Now, I want to know what you were doing before my Ironwood comes in.

Fang: *silence*

Sophia: Want me to take over?

Ozpin: I think I can handle this.

Sophia: This wasn't really up for discussion.

She walked him out, barring the door shut. Leroy set his bag on the table.

Sophia: So tell me how does interrogation work here?

Fang: Slow and painful.

Sophia: You heard how he wants it.

Isaiah slammed him head down, Leroy began heating up his knife.

Sophia: I'm going to make this perfectly clear. Every time you don't answer me, you lose something and he will burn it shut. Now, how are you getting Skelltech?

Fang: I don't know.

Isaiah stabbed a finger, cutting it off. Leroy placed the glowing metal on the wound.

Sophia: How are you getting the drones?

Fang: Fuck you.

Sophia: Remove a horn!

Isaiah began bending the ram horn cracking it.

Fang: Stop!

Ozpin: What's going on in there?

Sophia: Talk!

Fang: Someone just appeared at our safehouse and when we captured him.

Sophia: Where is he now?

Fang: I don't know!

Ozpin: Ms. Riggs!

Sophia: Tell us!

Isaiah cracked the horn even more.

Fang: He's with Adam!

Sophia: That's not a location! Break it.

Isaiah snapped the horn off throwing it away.

Sophia: We have more to rip off.

Fang: I don't know where he is!

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