Part 3

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Lance was in his room alone cleaning his rifle along with Sophia's. He looked down the detached barrel.

Sophia: Lance!

Lance: Yes?

Sophia: I'm going to meet this friend of Ozpin I want you to see what Ruby and the others are doing and make sure they don't do anything stupid.

Lance: You want me to babysit them? No.

Sophia: That's an order.

Lance reached in his pocket.

Lance: This is fucking bullshit.

He grabbed his LMG, slamming the money in the new swear jar then walked out.

Sophia: Don't shoot them!

He walked around the campus looking around when he noticed people running out of the dinner hall. He loaded his weapon and made his way inside. He stopped at the door, inside he could hear something break and fall down. He kicked the door open, finding Ruby and the others having a food fight.

Lance: I bet Leroy doesn't have to put up with this shit.

Leroy and Isaiah

Leroy: I can't believe you done this.

Isaiah: I said shut up!

They sat inside a cave looking at a giant claw snapping at them.

Leroy: Then please, go ahead and fight the fucking scorpion that's currently want to eat us.

It slammed against the cave making the entrance slightly bigger.

Leroy: I'm fucking waiting.

Isaiah: We should see what's further inside.

Leroy: That's what i thought.


Sophia walking into Ozpin's office looking out at airships flew in.

Ozpin: Does the military where you're from do this bravado display of military strength?

Sophia: Some of them do.

They looked back as General Ironwood made his way in. Ozpin and Goodwitch walked to great him as Sophia stood back.

Ozpin: Ms. Riggs, this is our mutual friend I've told you about.

Sophia: Hello sir.

Ironwood: So she will be able to explain the attack.

Sophia: Attack?

Ironwood: The other day I had a squad lead by Winter Schnee to protect and deliver a shipment of Dust. While they stopped for repairs they were attacked by two unknown soldiers attempting to steal an airship.

Sophia: Why do you think it's my guys?

Ironwood: They didn't match any known group and they were using strange weapons. They nearly destroyed the entire shipment of Dust and almost killed my men.

Sophia: Well I'm not there to tell them what to do.

Ironwood: To our surprise, one of them applied first aid then they both left.

Sophia: That sounds like them. Any idea where they are heading?

Ironwood: From what Winter could tell they are heading southeast towards Mountain Glenn.

Ozpin: We better find them before they get there.

Sophia: Why?

Ozpin: It's a long lost town that fell to the Grimm.

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