(25) - a bigger family

Start from the beginning

"It's a good school, darling. Nothing to worry about. I attended that school too.", the little girl nodded again and sighed, looking away.
The ride was short, the car stopped in front of the school gate.
"Have a good day, angel.", Harry kissed her cheek and smiled at her.
Meredith got out of the car and sadly watched how Harry slowly disappeared out of her sight.

She opened the gate and immediately noticed wrong eyes looking at her.
I want to go home, was her thought.
Her backpack suddenly felt heavier and her legs were unable to carry her further, until a teacher smiled towards her.

"You must be, Meredith, am I right?", she nodded at her words.
"I'm Claire, honey. Please follow me.", the young girl followed her and together they walked inside a classroom that was already full with young pupils.

They all looked at her strangely and once again Meredith wanted to go home and never come back.

"We are happy to welcome another student this year! Please treat her how you would like to be treated. Would you like to present yourself darling?", Meredith looked at her with pain in her eyes because the thought of having to talk about herself in front of 30 kids scared her.

"My name's Meredith and I'm ten years old.", she simply said and the teacher looked at her expecting something more, yet the girl didn't add anything to her presentation.

"There's a seat at the back of the class, Meredith."


We all have to admit that any first day of school is the worst. And so was Meredith's. Kids didn't think that staring was rude. She made a mental note to bring a book with her next time.

She was sitting on a bench; right where Harry had left her in the morning. She saw how many parents  hugged their child and asked them about their day. She sighed.
She couldn't be exactly jealous, because she didn't know a thing about her parents. She just knew that they weren't responsible enough to keep her, so they let her grow up in an orphanage.

Sometimes she didn't mind it. She thought that after all it was nice to have a firm place.
Sometimes she wondered how it would have been with her real parents. Would they have hugged her and showered her with kisses?

The bell had rung and ten other parents looked for their child and smiled when they came running to them. Meredith sighed again and looked for a familiar car. No Harry, no Olivia.
She wondered if she was supposed to go home alone.

The day started slowly fading away and Meredith finally stood up and started walking towards an unknown direction.
Maybe that was her punishment for not calling them mum and dad.
Who knows? What mattered was her coming home safely.

Harry drove frantically towards Meredith's school.
He was half an hour late and he called Olivia who was working longer than usual. His car stopped abruptly in front of the gate. His eyes filled up with tears as the garden was empty and the sky dark. The gate was locked and there was no way that she was inside. All the possible scenarios played in his mind. Kidnapped, hurt, injured... killed.

"Fuck!", his palms painfully rubbed his eyes, yet the tears couldn't stop running down his cheeks.
He was so stupid and the girl was probably so hurt by his actions.
The only thing he could do was drive slowly around the territory. She couldn't have gone far, right?
A hand was on the wheel and the other held his phone. Olivia was crying at the revelation and asked if she should've called the police.

"If I can't find her.", his words made his throat hurt. He was heartbroken.
"Please bring her back home safely. Please.", were her words and her husband nodded, even if she wasn't able to see him.

He continued to drive slowly for ten minutes until he spotted a small figure on a random bench.
His heart started beating too fast. Harry immediately stopped the car and walked out of it to take a look at the person.
His heart beating faster and faster as the person he looked at, was too similar to his daughter.

"Baby?", the person's head turned and it was indeed her.
Harry started crying even harder at the sight of tears staining her rosy cheeks.
"Dad?", Meredith ran straight in his arms and wrapped her arms around his waist.

He couldn't even pay attention to the little word she used, because now she was in his arms again.


Welcome to a new chapter from #Harry'sSunday! I hope you enjoyed reading it! I really loved the two hours I took to think and to write. :)
It made me happy.


Questions Of The Day:

1.) What was your favourite part?

2.) Do you think that they were ignoring her presence?

3.) What would be your actions, if you were Meredith?


Thank you for being so patient!
(Tomorrow is my birthday and I feel weird because I've never felt so excited about it before.🤔)

I love you so much!

belle. xx

. . .

Published the 29th of September 2019.

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