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After lunch, Jaemin went up to Jeno, smiling widely.

"Hey, nono! Wanna hang out with me!?" He said brightly.

Jeno was about to smile and say yes, when he forgot he had to meet Ten in his dorm.

Jeno frowned, "Sorry, nana. I have to meet Ten hyung up for something... Maybe next time, okay?" He ruffled the youngers hair, smiling brightly.

Jaemin pouted, but then gave a forced smile, "Okay, no problem. We see each other all the time. I don't own you,"

And he walked away, shoulders slumped. Why was Jeno ignoring him? Did he do something wrong?

Jeno frowned and bit his lip, "Ten better have a good reason for this." He muttered.

He went to Ten's dorm, and Doyoung, Yuta and WinWin were already there.

"So! What's this about? It better be important. I just rejected Jaemin for this."

Ten held his hands up, "Okay, okay! I'm sorry! Let's start. So, Jeno, you want to confess to Jaemin, right?"

Jeno shrugged, "Well, yeah. I guess so."

Ten nodded, "So. I was thinking. We can hold this thing in the practice room, before lunch tomorrow..."

Jeno nods, "And...then?"

"Taeyong will say it's an important meeting,and blah blah blah. Then Jaemin will come in, and you play a song on your guitar!"

Ten then smiled widely, "Then, here's the best part! Doyoung, WinWin, Yuta and I are going to stick up Polaroid pics of you,  Jaemin and the other dreamies. Fairy lights will be hung everywhere!"

Jeno nodded, "Okay... Sounds like a plan! Have you told the others?"

Doyoung nodded, "We've told everyone exept Jaemin, of course."

Jeno bit his lip, looking nervously, "What if he rejects me? What if he doesn't like me back? What if-"

WinWin stopped Jeno, "Jeno, Jaemin loves you! Don't worry too much, okay?"

"And if does reject you, which I'm sure he won't, he will have to mess with these!" Yuta flexed his muscles, and the others laughed.

This is going to go well. I can trust Ten hyung... right?

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