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Flashback to: the day the dreamies found out Jaemin was going on hiatus...

"You have to go, don't you?" Jeno said to Jaemin.  They were in the dorms, and they were both sitting on the bed.

Jaemin turned to Jeno, "Jeno, I don't want to go, I want to stay with you and the other dreamies, honestly."

Jeno sniffed, holding back the tears, "No, it's fine. Just- Just get better quickly, okay?"

Jaemin hugged the older, rocking him back and forth, "Please, don't cry because of me. I want you to be happy."

"Then get better." He whispered into Jaemin's chest.

Jaemin smiled sadly, cupping Jeno's face in his hands.

"I will, promise." And he brought his face closer, their lips touching.

Jaemin's lips may of looked chapped, but they were surprising soft, sweet, and addicting.

They pulled away, and Jaemin hugged the older, rocking him back and forth until he fell asleep.

When he got up, his warmth was gone.

Jaemin had left already.

End of Flashback

"That was- beautiful Jeno." Ten sniffed, and Jeno smiled.

"It was. But sad at the same time," Jeno agreed, smiling at the memory.

"Jaemin obviously likes you back." Ten declared, and Jeno stared, confused.

"What? What makes you think that?" Jeno asked.

Ten rolled his eyes, "You've never been in love before, have you?" And Jeno shook his head.

"Why do you think he kissed you? He likes you. No, he loves you. He thinks the world of you."

Jeno titled his head, "But- I thought it was too make me sleep? "

Ten rolled his eyes again, "You really ARE clueless. Okay, come to my room after lunch. We'll discuss it. Bring Doyoung and Yuta too."

Jeno nodded wondering what the older was up to, as they both walked back into the practice room.

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