"I see it seemed quite easy." "Osorō was impatient." "I wanted them dead for even touching (Y/n)." "Fair enough. Where's Shiromi?" "She's in class. Since the teachers know I most likely had student council work, it's alright. The teachers don't question Oko, scared he'll summon a demon or something to kill them and know Osorō never gets to class on time."

"I might just completely skip today." "Just because (Y/n) isn't here doesn't mean you can't skip." "I always did before." "That doesn't matter. I'm giving you 10 minutes to get to class." Megamo said and I rolled my eyes before stopping time. "Why don't you get to class now? Since the bell rang recently, it won't be late for you all to go." I said and Megamo and Oko nodded while Osorō growled. "I'm not going to class on time." "I'll be surprised if (Y/n) manages to change you if she chooses you." "Can't you tell?" "Nope. For now, she can't chose anyone but I won't tell you if it changes." I said and walked away as the others followed. I went to my room as they went to class, behind other students. After getting to my room, I started time again and watched the cameras before Hand Demon came and lifted me up.

"Why are you abusing the power?" "What do you mean Hand Demon?" "You've been using the time power too much Moku. Why?" "I was... visiting your first souls in the past... Kinoa." I said and he dropped me as the other demons came to me besides Succubus. "Besides Flame Demon since you weren't alive in the same time as them..." I said and rubbed my neck from the claw marks left there. "What do you mean?" "I was showing my parents and Demon Empress's parents what demons exist in this time compared to then... and I ran into you two as well as demon empress. "What was her name? She clearly remembers our names but we can't remember hers for some reason." "Citra." "Her name is Citra? I remember now!" Spider Demon said and my equipment nearly seemed to fall before Hand Demon carefully caught it. I stood up as Spider Demon spoke now.

"Whenever I thought of her name, it just sounded like a tv glitching out." "It was the same for me when she spoke to me first. Pretty odd but I dealt with it and found out." She nodded. "Do you want to see them?" "Are you sure the world won't mess up?" "I saw myself back then too and it was fine." They nodded but Flame Demon spoke. "I'll watch the demon realm." They nodded as I brought them back there while seeing the group there, just talking.

"Moku, who are they?" "These are the demons that Diana and Kinoa will be." They nodded while staring curiously. "He doesn't even have hands." "He makes up for it. You want to summon your power but not kill them?" He nodded while summoning hands around him that clawed as they were near Kinoa. He stopped it as he nodded. "Alright. Citra did that for us?" "After becoming demon empress, yes." "And mine doesn't look like she has anything to do with spiders besides her hair." I nodded to Spider Demon as she summoned a spider that went to Diana and crawled on her as Diana picked it up. "I take it back." She smiled and the spider seemed to curiously stare at her. Spider Demon smiled and went next to her while bringing other spiders.

"Spiders!" Diana said happily as I sweat before we heard a voice that got the two to growl.

"What are you-" (E/n) froze as they growled. "What are you doing here?" "Questioning what you're doing here but now I see..." He said while his gaze sadly looked over them. "You are?" "The one you kill..." "He's an angel..." Spider Demon growled while making the spiders disappear. The others glared as Citra had growled and stood up before Janice held her arm. "No." She said and Janice held her until she sat down.

Wednesday- Osorō's POV

"Wonder where those bullies went." Oso said and I shrugged. "I get they bullied (Y/n) but they did suddenly go missing." "Fucking good." Umeji said and we rolled our eyes. "Is she still at her home?" "Yes. I'm going there after school." "Makes sense." Hokuto said as we looked at the time, leaving now.

I got to her house and knocked on the door. Mr Aishi opened it and sighed. "(Y/n)?" I nodded and he let me in. "Second door to the right." I nodded and went upstairs. The others soon came and (Y/n) didn't open her door. Ayano soon came and spoke, "(Y/n) hasn't been responsive to any of us... She only says she's not hungry when we bring her food... she only opens her door for Sen..." Ayano said with regret everywhere in her voice. "Sugar, it's us... please let us in..." "I don't want to see anyone..." She mumbled and we heard a soft mewl.

"We're coming in." Megamo said and opened her door. "You don't want people here or- Oh..." Megamo said as we saw her frail, skinny form. She began to cry and Amao rushed over to her. "Sugar... why have you been starving yourself?" "I don't want to be bullied... I don't like being sad..." She mumbled and cried more as Sen rubbed her head against her cheek. "Come on, you need to eat..." Aso said and (Y/n) shook her head. "I'm still-" "Ugly? No you're not. You aren't fat either so eat before you starve yourself to death." I said and she stopped crying. "That's easy for you to say... you're all liked by everyone... and they all hate me... I don't even know why..." She muttered but sat up, showing her tear stained face and red, puffy eyes.

Amao rushed and made some food quickly. "Come on, eat." (Y/n) shook her head and was about to speak before Amao put the food in my her mouth and Kizano covered her mouth. "Just eat it." Hanakō said as she began to chew it then swallow it. Sen mewed him happiness while rubbing her cheek against (Y/n)'s lowered hand. Amao kept feeding her and we soon sighed in relief. "Do you need a new uniform?" "No... mom got me a new uniform... I just don't want to go to school..." "They've gone missing.... Please come back... we miss you there..." Oko said and we nodded while kneeling by her.

She nodded while looking with tear filled eyes. "(Y/n)? Why are you crying?" Osano asked and wiped her tears. "I'm sorry for worrying you..." She said and we nodded, smiling to her. "We don't mind right now." Osano said and she nodded as the door gently opened. "Did you get her to eat?" Mrs Aishi asked and Amao nodded, smiling. She nodded and hugged her, "Don't scare us like that again." (Y/n) nodded and hugged her mom back.

Monday- Reader POV

We walked in and I was greeted by the cooking club immediately. "(Y/n)! You're back! What was wrong?" "I don't want to talk about it..." They nodded and hugged me as Amai crushed me. "We were so worried! Why are you so skinny?" Amai asked and Amao spoke. "She was bullied and starved herself after it got to her..." She nodded sadly and hugged me again. "Who was it?" "Musume and her friends..." "They went missing and are presumed to be dead..." "What? That's horrible. I don't even want that on them, just for them to get a proper lesson..." "We know... come on, let's go see the others." I nodded to Amai and walked with her around. We went to the roof and saw the others here. They turned to me and hugged me, crushing me too.

"Why have you been gone?" Asu asked, very concerned and I explained it. Osoro growled and we looked at her in surprise. "Osoro..?" Oka asked and Osoro held my shoulder. "You aren't leaving our sight or our brothers sights, got it?" I nodded in confusion as the others nodded. "She is right." I nodded and was asked to go to the Student Council room over the speakers. I left and went there. When I arrived, I knocked on the door and heard Megami tell me to come in. When I did, the Student Council were looking at me and sighed. "We're sorry we didn't do anything about Musume and her friends." Kuroko said and I nodded. "It's alright. They did suddenly take me with no hint it was going to happen." I said and they nodded. "Do you still want to help with-" "Yes please Megami." I said and she nodded in a bit of surprise.

"We fixed your recorder, listened to the tapes at the time and found the empty tapes so here you go." Shiromi said and handed me the things she said in order. I nodded as I was also given a paper. "This is our numbers. If there's something you want us to listen to immediately, please text one of us and we'll take the tape and listen to it." I nodded and Megami handed me another can of pepper spray. "We ask that you pay attention to Mr Mido." Megamo said and I nodded. "I will then." "Alright, you can go. Just be safe." Akane said and I nodded before heading away.

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