The Queens of Dirty Secrets

Start from the beginning

"You still look great, Little One. Feel great too." He smirks, eyeing her body. The nickname both excites Luna and makes her cringe at the same time. "You just get better with age, don't you?" He asks her, pulling out the stool next to her and sitting down. It's been over 5yrs since they last saw each other. "Eh! Lemme get another round over here." He calls to the bartender, pointing between himself and Luna; she's quiet, trying to keep her composure.

"You should leave. You should leave. You should leave. You should leave. You should leave." Her brain keeps repeating to herself over and over as she touches her necklace again.

"So, where's The Boyfriend?" Tommy's words break Luna's thoughts like a sledgehammer.

She thinks about her own words before she speaks them. "We're not together anymore." She tells him without looking at him; his eyes are deadly.

"No fucking shit!!" Tommy slams his hand on the bar; partially amused, partially irritated. "So, what the fuck did it take for you to finally leave his loser ass?" He asks bluntly.

Luna looks at him now; square in the eye, jaw clenched with a flash of anger. "He hung himself in our bedroom." She states coldly.

"FUCK." Tommy let's out. "What a fucking pussy." He has no filter.

"SERIOUSLY!?" Luna glares at him.

He shakes his head and places his hand on the small of her back. "I'm sorry. I guess he never got clean, hunh?"

Luna sighs. Tommy knows more about Luna and Justin's relationship than their closest friend. Knowing more about Luna than most people.

"No. He actually started using needles sometime in the last 6mnths. I threatened to finally leave him and I'm pretty sure that's why he fucking killed himself." Luna doesn't break eye contact with Tommy.

Besides Colson, he's the only person she's ever uttered those words to. He breaks away as his heart drops for her. It's honestly the last thing he had expected to hear.

"When?" He asks her quietly, looking into his drink.

"Almost 3yrs ago." She answers him as he looks up at her and slides his left arm up around her shoulders while uses his right hand to pull her barstool closer to him.

"You need to fucking leave. You need to fucking leave. You need to fucking leave." Her brain keeps telling her as she feels her body flush from the closeness of his.

"Are you okay?" He asks, lowly in her ear.

"Yeah... Look I'm seeing someone... " She spits out.

Circling her thumb over the smooth promise locked around her neck. This whole interaction doesn't feel right to her. Tommy erupts into laughter, not bothering to move his arm or body.

"Some things never change, hunh? You're still caught up and I still don't give a fuck." He tells her as a matter of fact.

Their faces are close together. Luna knows it's true. She pulls away to finish the rest of her drink, reaching for the other round Tommy had ordered.

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