{94} Park Jimin ~ Request

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"I'll make you some soup." He then said. "It's good to eat soup after getting soaked with rain." He smiled, pointing his finger up and skipping over to the kitchen. You wearily smiled at him and continued shuffling forwards, passing the livingroom and bedroom before you reached the bathroom.

You locked yourself in and sighed. The rain continued to fall down quickly, the sound of droplets hitting the roof echoing in your ears.

You didn't like it.

In fact, you hated it.

Ever since your childhood you were scared of the thunder. Always had been. You did fine with all kinds of rain, but when the loud roaring of the thunder soared through the sky your heartbeat increased, your mind clouding with memories. And bad ones at that.

You turned on the water and quickly stripped of your clothes, stepping into the shower. The hot water felt heavenly against your cold skin, and you closed your eyes for a bit.

After a minute or three a thunder suddenly reached your ears. A yelp left your lips as you eyes shot open, your hands flying up to cover your ears. Tears welled up in the corner of your eyes again.

You hated it.

With shaking hands you turned off the water and dried yourself off. You threw on some shorts and a shirt and walked back to the kitchen, your pace rather quick as you didn't want to be alone in a room anymore. When you turned around the corner Jimin was just finishing up, setting down two plates of soup.

As soon as he saw you his face broke into an adorable eyesmile, totally unaware of your watery eyes. "Sit down," He said, mentioning to the chair in front of him. "Soup's ready." You nodded and did as he said, grabbing the spoon from the table.

You had never told Jimin about your fears. Simply never thought of it. In the time you were together it had never thundered before, so you never really had anything to remind you to tell him. You blinked your tears away and began eating.

"So what did you do today?" Jimin asked as he pushed a spoonfull past his lips. You shrugged as you swallowed. "Nothing much, really."

You continued eating, and soon the dreaded moment of a thunder arrived again. You inhaled sharply and balled your hands to fists at the sound, your right hand clasped tightly around the spoon. You tried not to show you fright in front of Jimin, scared of judgement. Scared of him thinking it was childish and immature.

You both finished the soup and you watched as Jimin stood up and brought the bowls to the sink, setting them down before turning around to face you. "What do you wanna do now?" He asked.

You thought about it for a second, not really knowing what you wanted to do besides bundling up in bed with a bunch of blankets to hide away from the thunderstorm. Instead you just shrugged. "Dunno."

"How about we just watch a movie and then go to bed?" He proposed. You agreed to it and after you picked a movie you settled down on the couch, Jimin sitting with his legs resting on the table in front of him while you were cuddled up against him, your legs pulled up to your chin.

You were glad the thunder hasn't struck again, giving your heart some rest from beating furiously. You sighed in relief, and even though you could still hear the wind howling and the raindrops hitting the roof non-stop, you were a little less scared now you were resting against Jimin.

Halfway through the movie you had all forgotten about the storm, being too engrossed in the movie to even notice the rain. Jimin was watching the movie with big eyes, having chosen one of his all-time favourites.

Suddenly a loud roar broke through the sky, drowning out the sound of the television. You jumped up and bawled your hands to fists, but as soon you noticed your reaction you pretended you were just changing the way you sat, not wanting Jimin to notice it.

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