One Night Stand Final <HunHan>

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The Next Morning

Sehun sat up as he remembered last night. He looked over half expecting his bed to be empty but smiled softly when he saw Luhan sleeping. Sehun got up changing into a pair of comfortable sweats and making a pot of coffee. When he came back Luhan was laying on his back, the sun shining on part of his face as the blinds covered the rest of the window.

Sehun laid back down just staring at Luhan. All he knew about the male was his name and what he did last summer with his friends. Yet he felt a lot for him already. When the shorter approached his car it sparked something in him. Something warm, a feeling he wanted to keep.

Sehun reached forward-moving a bit of Luhan's hair out of his face. The shorter opened his eyes blinking a few times before a soft smile filled his face.

"Good morning" Luhan spoke softly

"Good morning" Sehun smiled his hand cupping Luhan's cheek

"Sehun I-"

Sehun cut him off with a kiss Luhan melting into the kiss, this one was different than before. Luhan could feel his heartbeat picking up as Sehun kissed him. He loved this warm feeling he felt. For some reason, Sehun felt so right beside him. Sehun pulled away locking eyes with Luhan.

"I-I couldn't help myself" he spoke

"I dont mind at all" Luhan smiled

Sehun didnt say anything as he pulled Luhan closer to cuddle. Luhan laid his head on Sehun's chest staring at the window.

"Sehun I know we just met last night but I dont want this to be just a one night stand. I want to try and have something with you. Maybe we can go out on a few dates? Start talking more?"

"I'd like that" Sehun smiled widely

Luhan looked up to Sehun the taller smiling down at him. (media)

"Sehun I came to ask for my-"

The two looked over Luhan closing his eyes really not wanting to deal with this right now.

"Your key is in the bowl by the door you know that" Sehun spoke his tone cold


"No shut up. You saw his car outside and decided to come back here when you know that you could have just grabbed the key and left. You're purposely trying to make me feel guilty. But I dont. I'm glad you decided to end it. Something great came out of it and you need to stop trying to ruin it." Sehun glared

The male just stormed out Sehun looking down to Luhan.

"He mainly dated me for the money. But I want to tell you this now, I work a lot and I work late nights a lot too. I dont get much time to hang out or have fun. I hope that doesn't get in the way of this."

"If we want to try this we have to make it work. That's just how life works, I can wait I promise" Luhan smiled softly

I've got a date on Friday and I'm so scared. It's my first date. It's my first time going somewhere that I'm not with a family member or my best friend. I'm so scared but If I dont go I wont know how this'll work out.

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