Promos, Sass & Tapping THAT Ass

Start from the beginning

"GOOD MORNING, CLEVELAND!!" Ricky starts off. "We've got a great show for you today. Hometown hero Machine Gun Kelly is in the HOOUSE with his new lady THAT Brooklyn Bitch. They're here to talk about their killer new single Bad Things and his upcoming album and tour." He turns to Luna and Colson "How you guys doing today?" He asks them.

"Great!!" Colson answers first as he rests his hand on Luna's inner thigh. "We just dropped the kid off at school and are gonna hang out with you for a bit, Ricky."

"So tell me about this single you guys got." Ricky starts off the conversation, making Luna and Colson look at each other and smile.

"It just kinda happened. We were hanging out one day when she came up with the chorus on the spot... And I was smart enough to record it." Luna giggles and grins at his description. Squeezing her leg, he grins back at her as he continues. "She was out of town one night and I was really missing her so I started going through my phone and found the audio clip... "

"Awww, you missed me!" Luna pops in, teasing him in a flat tone; Colson laughs while telling her she knows he did.

"You guys are cute." Ricky interrupts them. "How'd you meet?" He asks.

Colson blushes while Luna laughs. Teasing him once more, Luna looks between Ricky and Colson. Her eyes lingering on Colson with THAT One Look and a smile playing on her lips.

"Kells had a 10yr crush on me." She says grinning now; the name feeling super weird in her mouth.

"Maan... " Colson chuckles as he tries to reply but Ricky cuts him off.

"10yrs, My Guy??" He asks in disbelief to Luna's laughter.

"I hate you." Colson laughs along with her before answering. "Yeah. She's got that kinda haunting quality about her." He says as he gives her a playful SideEye.

Feeling bad, Luna pipes back in. "In his defense, I was crushing on him the whole time too." She says, placing her hand on his.

"But 10yrs?? No wonder you two seem to have exploded everywhere!!" Ricky exclaims, astonished as Colson and Luna laugh with each other.

"It's kismet, ain't it." She smirks, catching an amused SideEye from him on that one.

"So tell me more about how you created the single... Because it's just you two, correct? No other writers?" The host asks.

"Nah." Colson and Luna answer in unison, both laughing again as Luna takes this one.

"It's just us. I was over in Seoul when he found it. I had forgotten about it until he played it for me over the phone. We both worked on it separately while I was gone and then once I got back... " She looks at Colson "And we got together in the studio, we had it written in less then an hour... "

"AND THEN WE GOT TATTOOS!!" Colson interrupts her.

Luna laughs as Ricky asks about the tattoos. Colson proudly displaying his as Luna lifts her arm to showcase hers. The colors from the punked out bunny popping brightly.

"Those are TIGHT!!" Ricky exclaims. "So, you guys literally went and tattooed something on your bodies for each other. To look at forever?" He asks amused.

"Life is Art as Art is Life, right?" Luna answers him with a riddle; her hand is on Colson's thigh now.

"Speaking about art imitating life, can we talk about your song THAT Type and what seems to be going on between you and BeBe Rexha?" Ricky asks Luna.

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