Scene 14 - Rescuing Shane

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Thunderbird 4 has narrowly squeezed through the tiny passage holes, slowly proceeding down the underground streams as Gordon stands on the lookout with the lights of the submarine at full power.


Thunderbird 4 to Thunderbird 1, I still can't see him. I'm very close to where the signal is tracking from.


F.A.B. Gordon.

Thunderbirds 1 and 2 hover nearby, with Thunderbird 2 having collected the pod and Alan with Virgil in the cabin of Thunderbird 2.


Scott, the water levels should be lowering now Alan has released the girl and the Armageddon.


Say Virgil, look at that! That black cloud at sea!


Don't worry Alan. Lady Penelope knows what she is doing.


I hope she does because it looks like they've had a problem from here.

Shane is dying. He is gasping for air at this point, and his leg appearing to be fatally infected.


Help. Someone help.

Gordon is close to him. The bleeping is getting louder and louder for him to find him.


They're close. If he can just hold on for just a few more seconds!

He passes through another tight corner and sees an arm hanging off from the wall. Gordon realizes it must be him.

I've got him! I've got him!


Well done Gordon! Get him in Thunderbird 4 quick!




Virgil, you wait to collect up Gordon after he returns the boy.


What about you Scott?


Well if I'm right, Lady Penelope is going to get all the help she'll need.


Alright Scott. We'll follow as soon as we collect Gordon.


Thunderbird 1 to Lady Penelope, what is your situation?

FAB 1 skids across the seawater, with the helicopter still in a range somewhere over the mainland, heading for the direction of Devon. They seem to be undetected by the helicopter for now.

Lady Penelope:

We're fine Scott. We had to somehow make him think that he had lost us.


Well it was a good thing you did. Alan actually thinks something went wrong with FAB 1.

Lady Penelope:

Don't worry. We can manage ourselves perfectly, can't we Parker?


Yes m'lady. They seem to be 'eading over towards West Devon judging by the direction they're going.

Lady Penelope:

Scott, we're following them to their headquarters so we can put an end to their whole ghastly business. And we expect to be arriving shortly.


F.A.B Lady Penelope. I'll be on my way in case you need any help.

Thunderbird 1's engines blast as the ship flies off to the west...

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