Scene 7 - Tracy Island

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Tracy Island, Jeff comfortably sat in the lounge reading a Kine magazine when Lady Penelope's photo begins to have her eyes flashing and bleeping.


Go ahead Penny.

Scott, Virgil, Alan and Gordon hear the bleeping as they play pool together. Turning to each other, they make into the lounge.


Well what are we waiting for? Let's go.

Jeff has just been briefed by Penelope as the boys begin to enter.


Ok Penny, the boys are on their way. They'll be with you in fifty-five minutes.


Hey, what gives?


Scott, leave for England. There's very little time on this one.




Virgil, take Pod 4 and Alan and Gordon.

Jeff contacts Brains at his desk on the radio.



Yes... Mr. Tracy.


You'll need to load the Mole and the Excavator in Pod 4.



The music begins. Scott is rotated around the wall as he holds onto the lamps, revealing the Thunderbird 1 hanger. He is then elevated towards the ship's top as the main entrance slides open. Meanwhile, Virgil leads on the wall with the rocket and is flipped so he slides down a slide, rotating around as he falls down another slide. Alan and Gordon hold onto the bar as they are lowered down towards Thunderbird 2. The pool on Tracy Island gradually slides inwards, whilst Thunderbird 1 is lowering down the ramp.

The tunnel reaches Thunderbird 2, as Virgil slides down and the entrance shuts after he pulls the white lever to release himself down as his chair is pushed towards the wheel. The yellow uniform is lifted as the pod wheels in underneath Thunderbird 2, until Pod 4 freezes below the craft. KABOOM! Thunderbird 1 blasts up from the hanger, through the pool, reaching up out of Tracy Island and rocketing into the sky. Alan and Gordon finally arrive in Thunderbird 2. The craft lowers down to attach the pod as the rocks at the end of the runway begin to slide down and another massive ramp lowers for the path.


International Rescue from Thunderbird 1, changing to horizontal flight!

Scott pushes down his levers, as the chair falls back. And Thunderbird 1 turns horizontally and flies to the danger zone, as the picture fades to blackness. 

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