she nodded, and patted her side, where her black pistol was tucked out of sight, nikki was well aware of hershel's no gun policy, but just a day or so ago shane had given her one, advising her to keep it all all times. that was the first time she realized she should've gotten concerned. "yeah, where's dale?"

shane muttered a "he's on his way back" and looked up at the others on the porch, clearly not wanting to waste his breathe on the mention of the old man.

"now it was one 'thang pickin daises when we thought this place was safe. but now we know it ain't." he walked up to glenn, handing him a shotgun, "how 'bout chu man? you gonna protect yours?"

glenn glanced apprehensively over at maggie, who was just as baffled as everyone else , but he took took the shotgun. "that's it." shane praised, then looked at maggie, "can you shoot?"

"can you stop!" maggie shot back fiercely as shane started rummaging through the bag of guns on his shoulder. maggie continued to protest at what shane was doing, "you do this, you hand out these guns, my father will make you leave tonight."

"we have to stay shane." carl chimed in, walking down the steps towards him. "what is this?" lori asked with determination as she walked towards them, she had clearly emerged from the house.

"we ain't goin' nowhere, now hershel, he-he just gotta understand. okay-now he's just gonna have to." he revealed a revolver out from his belt, handing it to the young boy, "now we needa' find sophia, right?" he bent down in front of him, "now i want you to take this. you take this, you keep your mother safe, do whatever it takes-"

nikki couldn't take this, she needed to step in. she gently pushed carl back and got in front of him, she glared down at shane, "rick said no. this ain't your call. this ain't your decision to make." she spat sternly to shane, she could feel the anger building up inside of her. what the hell was he doing?

"oh shit."

the group turned towards t-dog's direction to see what he brought attention to. it was rick, hershel, and jimmy, with-with walkers on sticks? what the hell? they were emerging  out the deep forest, and jimmy was shouting out random things to get the walkers' attention, so they wouldn't turn around on rick and hersh.

nikki hadn't seen anything like it.

"what is that?" shane mutters before breaking off into a sprint. without thinking, and knowing how shane was, without her being there by his side, he could make irrational decisions, so she broke off into a fast run right after him.

her adrenaline pumped through her, she could feel the hair brushing against her neck, and the combination of her fellow group mate's behind her. whatever shane was gonna do, or attempt, this wasn't gonna end well.

"what the hell you doing?" shane hollered as he busts open the gate, and nikki followed in right after him, screaming his name. circling rick and hershel, he began to shout from the bottom of his gut, lecturing them, us, on how they were dead, not sick, but gone.

she felt someone cling to her side during his yelling, and when she peeks down, she sees it's her daughter, lola, her face buried into her upper hips. to reassure her everything was gonna be okay, nikki began to lovingly stroke her soft stroking his hair.

"the hell is he doin'?" karleen queried with a worried tone. her younger sister shook her head with disapproval, unable to find the right words to answer her, "just bein' shane."

"now hersh. lemme ask you sum', can ah livin' breathin' person walk away from this." suddenly, and unexpectedly, shane whips out his pistol and shoots three rounds into the walkers chest. nikki felt her daughter flinch in fear, clinging on tightly to her mother. "no!" rick shouts, "stop it!"

shane then continued shouting and putting bullets into the walkers chest, and that's when shane's mentality on walkers was proved right. they're nothing, just walking monsters without souls. walkers weren't alive, they had no feelings.

but nikki already knew that when she witnessed mrs. lawrence's husband bite into her neck like a chicken bone on the front lawn. the lawrence's sprinklers were on that day, she remembered.

shane fired a final round into the walkers' head, letting it drop dead into the dirt. he continued yelling and screaming at us as he marched with purpose running towards the barn.

he grabbed the wooden plank that barricaded the barn, throwing it to the side. he started unraveling the chains, a handful of everyone shouting at him not to do it, including his wife. she contemplated running up and stopping him, but what could she do? this behavior of his, whatever it is, is unstoppable, and there wasn't a thing nikki could do.

when the rusted chains finally unraveled, he grabbed the barn door handles and yanked them wide open, he then started to back up.

he whipped out his gun and pointed it at the door, waiting. waiting for them to come. seconds later, they all emerged from the dark barn, their eyes adjusting to the light as they came forwards, toward us. shane and the boys immediately started firing. my ears started to ring, i was going in a daze again.

nikki squatted down and shielded lola, covering her ears while doing so. as her head was buried in her chest, she glanced back at the barn. the boys were gathered in a line, continuously firing at the walkers, they just kept coming. how many walkers were stuffed in that damn barn? a whole town?

when the last walker came through daryl finished it off with a single bullet that echoed through the unnerving silence of the group. now that it was finally over, nikki stood up with lola glued to her side, both of them stared intently at the littered dead bodies, their eyes unable to peel away from the shock of it. all of this, was caused by my husband, the one who was shouting like a maniac, shane.

suddenly, a faint snarl came from the barn, grabbing everyone's attention. huh, one more walker came late to the party? that's when the final walker came from the darkness, the short, petite girl we all once knew, was a walker.

it was sophia.

!gif is of nikki when she sees sophia!

don't hold on | rick grimes, twdWhere stories live. Discover now