Percy looked nervous as Nico nodded and gestured for him to carry on.

"Promise you won't interrupt me during any of this?" Nico nodded again and Percy sighed with relief.

"Okay, well, where do I start?" Percy chuckled to himself and looked into Nico's eyes.
"When I lost you, Nico, it was like I lost a part of myself. I kind of just wandered around and around helplessly like a lost soul, just missing you so hard it hurt.

People had thought somebody had died, but that was honestly what it felt like. I almost had to go to counselling-" Nico was resisting the urge to point out that he was in counselling, but he stayed quiet, "-all because you left. My grades dropped so I ended up failing year 10, so unless you've already graduated we're in the same year now, but then Annabeth helped me and tutored me like you had.

She was really a whirlwind of maths and lips and legs, and I was sure I loved her. I do, but I'm just not sure she sees a future for us like I do. Or used to, rather. So yeah, you leaving messed me up pretty badly." Nico nodded.

Percy took a deep breath before speaking again. "I know I hurt you, Nico. I hurt you badly and I hurt you deeply, and I could tell because of the way you looked at me when you would pass me in the halls at school and I wanted to die.

But now that you're here, really here, I can't fucking stand the idea of you ever being mad at me again." Silent tears were streaming down Percy's cheeks right now, his eyes red-rimmed and sad. His breaths were laboured as he was trying hard not to break down completely. "I'm so fucking sorry, Nico. For real, I-" Percy actually choked on his words. "I'm sorry."

After that Percy just couldn't control it anymore. He broke down sobbing. And it seemed Nico couldn't control himself either. Within the blink of an eye he was off the couch and kneeling between Percy's legs, his arms wrapped tightly around Percy's waist, his hands rubbing Percy's back comfortingly.

"Shh, it's okay Perce." He whispered in Percy's ear. "I forgive you." Then Percy was hugging him back fiercely, running his hands though Nico's dark curls. They stayed like that for a few more minutes until Percy pulled away, smiling wearily.

"Dude, I soaked your shirt." He laughed half-heartdly. Nico looked down and shrugged.

"Oh well." He smiled. Percy licked his lips and his beautiful green eyes darkened, filled with hunger and lust. This set off a warning bell at the back of Nico's mind. What's going on?

"Nico, can-can I try something?" He asked timidly.

Nico shrugged and answered, "Yeah, sure, but isn't Modern warfare on upsta-"

Nico was cut off as Percy attacked his mouth with his in a kiss. Nico sat rigid and un-moving, but Percy didn't seem to notice because he deepened the kiss by putting his hands on Nico's waist and pulling him closer.

"Percy," Nico said, his voice low and unsteady. Percy cut him off by pressing his lips to his again. It was then Nico decided to fuck his life entirely and kiss Percy back, but his kiss was much rougher than his counterpart's.

His hands snaked into Percy's hair like he'd always dreamed of doing and he pushed Percy back into the couch, Nico climbing onto his lap and straddling his hips. Nico licked and sucked on Percy's lower lip, asking for permission.

Percy granted it and opened his mouth ever so slightly, but Nico forced it open all the way, his tongue attacking Percy's mouth and exploring fully. He also thanked God he'd taken that breath mint before he came over. Percy moaned slightly when Nico moved down Percy's jaw and to his throat, finding his sweet spot rather quickly.

But then the situation came crashing down on Nico like a car crash. He froze at the base of Percy's throat and he mumbled against Percy's skin, "No,"

"What was that?" Percy asked.

"No!" Nico nearly screamed, flinging himself backwards and scrambling to his feet.
"Y-You have a girlfriend! Annabeth! You're straight! God, five minutes and I'm already trying to shove my tongue down your throat. Dr. Lupa's going to have a field day!"

Percy's face clouded with confusion. "Dr. Lupa?"

Nico pulled at his hair. "My fucking therapist-physiologist, what ever the fuck she is. I'm messed up badly Percy, I'm fucking messed up." Nico growled in frustration. "You weren't supposed to find out goddamit!"

Percy crawled over, pulled Nico to the couch and held him tightly despite his wriggling. "It's okay Nico, it's alright." He whispered soothingly.

Nico sighed deeply and melted into Percy's chest. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do this," Percy whispered.

"Huh?" Nico said.

"Ever since you left I've been craving you, Nico. I wanted to kiss you, touch you, hug you, I just wanted to see you again." Kiss? He'll have to ask Percy about that later.

"Me too," Nico yawned despite it being only 11:30 in the morning, but today had already been a very long day. He snuggled into Percy's chest and closed his eyes, and a barley audible sentence came from Percy's lips, "I love you,"


Pernico kiss!! So much fun to write but I feel bad on Annabeth, she'll be taken care of soon though...*evil laugh* So I'm also thinking of writing a normal boyxboy story and want to know if anybody will read it, would any of you?
-Ella xx

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