Reason 5 - Forgotten

Start from the beginning

He was wearing a white dress shirt with black trousers, vest, tuxedo jacket and black shoes. He topped off the look with his black tie, a while handkerchief, some cufflinks and studs
( who knew there was so much stuff that went into a tuxedo! Like dam!!! I had to look all this stuff up! )

It wasn't long till Damian was in the car and on his way to the piano recital. As Damian was watching the world go by out the window a question came to mind. "Pennyworth, father and the others are still coming. Right?" Damian asked uncertainty laced all throughout his voice. "Do not worry Master Damian, your father has given his word that he will be there. He even said he will drive you home, but on the way you and your brothers will go out for dinner." Alfred said with a reassuring smile. This pleased the young boy very much. "Oh cool! I can't wait! I'll tell you all about it when I get home!" Damian said while getting all excited.

Narrators    P.O.V
As the drive went on nothing out of the usual happened. They got there safely, Damian and Alfred said there goodbyes before Damian took off into the building and Alfred drove off into the night.

When Damian got into the main room he was quickly greeted by the other contestants. They were all very kind to him and showed him the respect he deserves. After finally making his way out of the crowd he made his way over to the front desk and signed himself in. He was given the number "10783" and was told he was going to be playing at 10PM this didn't bother him so he went over to the stands and took his seat and played some Flow Free on his phone while he wait for the recital to begin.

~Around 9:45PM~~
As he was watching the other contestants play he looked at his watch to see it was 9:45PM. So he started to make his way to the waiting room behind stage. Once he got to the door he was was greeted by the door man.

3rd Person    P.O.V
"Hey kid! You can't be back here. Go back to watching the recital." The door man harshly said to Damian as he walked closer to the door. "Oh um sorry sir, but I'm actually playing in 10 minutes. I'm Damian Wayne contestant 10783." Damian said while hanging him the form that verified he was in fact a contestant. "I'm sorry Mr Wayne! Go on ahead!" The door man said while opening the door for Damian. "Thank you! Have a lovely night sir." Damian said while walking through the door. "You too Mr. Wayne! And good luck, break a leg!" The man said before closing the door behind Damian.

As Damian walked around the room he could see the contestant before him. "Hello." He said politely to the young lady. "Oh umm hello" she said nervously. "I'm Damian Wayne" Damian said while holding his hand out to her. "I-I'm Cleo King. P-pleasure to m-meet you.." Cleo says nervously while shaking Damian's hand. "The pleasure is all mine, Miss King." Damian says trying to put the girl at ease. 

Time flys by quickly and it was now Damian's turn to play. Before stepping into the stage he said a quick "well done" to Cleo. And in return she said "Good luck Damian" he gave her a genuine smile before walking off onto the stage.

The crowd gave him s small clap as he walk into the stage and over to the piano. Once he was seated he started to play Liszt – La Campanella. The worlds most hardest song to play. But for Damian this was a piece of cake. He gracefully played it with ease, like he had been practicing.

Once the song was over he turned to the crowd and they clapped and cheered for him non stop. After a few minutes of them clapping and cheering he turned back to the piano and began to play his next song, Je te laisserai des mots - Patrick Watson.
His fingers glided across the keyboard as the song came to light. He himself was proud at how well he was doing. It sounded better than the original!

Once he stoped playing and turned to the crowd they went wild! The cheering and clapping could be heard from the next street down. Damian quickly stood up and took a bow before looking over that the audience. His eyes wondered over to the empty seats, where his family was meant to be. He quickly looked all around the audience to find his family but they were nowhere to be seen. He slowly started to make his way off stage as it was now the next contestants turn.

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