chapter 27

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Alexander Benjamin (POV)
All of my body was aching I did not know what to do I just went to the office and stayed there. I wish I stayed in the woods I would be at more peace.
I could not help it any more. I took up my phone and dial inspector Barnes number.

Mr Benjamin I am sorry we have not found anything we are calling it for the night we will continue our search to marrow very early and let you know If we come up with anything.

OK thank you. The next day came by so fast which hell yeah I was grateful for.
I just realised what I said because Tessa is always saying that when she is happy about something. The though of her makes me smile.

I kept my phone close by me for the whole day incase I got any updates from that slow inspector.

It was damm 6 o'clock how longer should I wait.
I got up from my chair and was about to head out when my phone rang.
I did not even allow it to ring for 4 good seconds before I answerd it.

Other side of the call.
Mr Benjamin we found a small cottage deep in the woods. I would suggest you stay put in cause anything happens.

Stay put? Are you fucking insane!!!
Is she your girlfriend or mine.

Actually it's yours sir.
Good to know you acknowledge that.
I will be there in 20 minutes. Then I kill the phone line dead. What a stupid man.

I was there in 20 minutes even though it was out of city. Well that mustank on this car is great.
I saw inspector Barnes he was taking to a team.
 As soon as me saw me he came over.

The place is heavily secured with guards so we will have to be careful. Lets go. Oh and please stay behind us.

We stared walking and I realise it was the same way that we were going last night. If we had continued she would be in my arms right now.
We walked for about 2 hours until we stopped.
I saw a small cottage up a head of us.
Inspector branes did a thing with his hands indicating that we should take over and get outhe of site.

I stood being him. Me teamed up the mens saying that they should go front back and side and ad for me I should go and get out Tessa.

In minutes that place was filled with gun shots men were falling on the group like trouble. I ran and search all the rooms I saw I went to the extreme back to see Tessa tied to a chair.
She looked so pailed and had bruze all over her face. She looked so happy when she saw me then scared.

Tessa Thomas (POV)
It was the same as everyday torcher often torcher.
Thanks to sash that is still keeping me alive.
Ashton and sash was in my cell. He is still going about the thing of staying with him but I refuse no matter what.

This has been the first time I insulted him. I was about to get a slap across my face when I heard millions of gun shots. Few of the lights went out and on again.
I was looking around to see Ashton and sash but none of them was not there I wondered where they went.

I could here men crying from gun shot wonds I wonder if another set of people came to kidnap me.
Then I heard a familar male voice crying out my name.
I stared to shout but the words were not that load.
To my surprise I saw Alex standing at the door frame looking so dammm gorgeous.
He rush over to were I was and hugged me.

Tessa I am so sorry and I missed you too.
He untied me and hugged me. I was still week but I managed.

Out of no where we heard a clap from the other side of the room, we turn to see Ashton in the corner with a big smirk on his face. And he had sash japed by her leggings.

I heard Alex shout sashagae.
Wait you know her I asked.


Well, well, well won't you just look at this. A big family all in one room this Is going to be sweet.

Any way easy way to solve this is you send back tessa here back over to me and you all can get out of here.

And what makes you think I will do that?Then I kill her.
Not even over my dead body.

Ober your dead body right?
Ashton pulled something from his waist to my surprise it was a gun. He pointed it at me.

Then sash stated to screem. Ashton don't do this. It won't solve any thing
Shut up bitch he said and pushed her in the boards.

And as for you Alex I will start my reve nge on you.
How dare you slapped me.
He pointed the gun alex and put me behind him.
There was a loud echo in the room and Alex fell to the ground.
I stated to cry and Ashton pointed the gun at me.
Then a another gun shot was heard and Ashton fell tho the ground.
I help Alex in my hand, he still had his eyes open and he tried to say some thing but I stopped him.

Ambulance will be here in the next 5 minutes.
I started to shout alex don't close your eyes please I am sorry.

Everyone is complaining even in my whats app chat how am I taking so long to update and publish.
But guys I got school and other responsibilities to take care of.

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