chapter 20

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I don't think you have to what do you mean? You have a admire I said raising my eye brow up and down.

Jackson. Ohh the Jackson guy he is hot. I laugh at her Comment.
He asked for you every time.
Really well I am single now. Don't worry I will work My magic.

Knock knock
After 2 knock the door opened and in walked Alex. I went over to him and kiss his cheek and took his jacket since I didn't go to work today.
You know I missed you today he said holding my waist.

I looked at the other side of the rooms and he looked too. Ohh hey Ashley nice to see you I did not know your back

How could you? It's only being today.
Alex is it OK if she visit? sure why not. I will be upstairs OK.

I looked at ash and she was giving me the puppy eyes. Stop that girlfriend.

Don't miss out the fun
Share with friends and allow them to read then talk about it because it's fun that way.

Don't miss out the funShare with friends and allow them to read then talk about it because it's fun that way

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I don't blame the poor guy.
Who could resist this girl.

Different (POV)
Ring ring
Hey can I come over I need to talk to you. OK sure. 15 min later
I have missed you so much.
I missed you too, how is things going with that girlfriend of yours?
Well guess what we broke up. Really I said jumping around. So what about your friends or should I say my friends too.
We'll they need to know the truth. I am really in love with you and I know it's too soon to use this word I love you.
I love you too because I never felt this for another guy but you.
The rest of the time was a great make out session.
                 End of POV

Today was so much fun. Jackson and Ashley left the diner and when to get a walk. The walk to know about them selves I guess.
Leaving me with alex so I sat at the upper side of the chair.

Tessa I know that I am terrible guy when it comes to relationship but I am trying to be the best person as possible. I know you are and I am greatful for that.

Let's go home. When I reached home I saw Ashley she had a huge smile.
What happen I asked?
Jackson asked me on a date. Ohh wow girl isn't that something.

I will text you later ok.
I scrowlled through my face book page when Ashley went home and was smiling ear to ear until I burst out into big laugh.

It was all over the net that ashton and his mistress left.
I posted under his pict.
Was she tired of your old thing I said making fun.

What are you doing? Came from behind me.
I flew up from the couch and accidentally fling my phone to the other side of the room.

Nothing I said shaking. Alex took up my phone and scrolled though.
Why is this stupid guy tagging you in all his post. Can't he see you don't need him any more.

It's OK come here. We talked for a few minutes. I am going to the kitchen to get water.
After she left her phone buzz.
I know its not right to read her message.

Blocked number
Be mine soon

These people never give up don't they i said. I deleted the message and put back her phone to the position it was in.

I can't  believe i came thus far with this book. I waned to stop write this along time ago

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