I turned off my phone and placed it on the table before the bell rang. I grabbed my phone and left for class while wondering what torture (Y/n) went through.

Reader POV

"Come on, you need to eat." "I'm not hungry..." I muttered and mom sighed. "Don't starve yourself sweetie. Okay?" I nodded and kept my face in my pillow before she left. I was in normal clothes since I had no intention to go to school anytime soon. The front door open and close quickly before my stomach grumbled a bit. "Dearie, you need to eat." "I said I'm not hungry." "Your stomach says otherwise. Eat." Succubus demanded while I looked at her with tired eyes. "I'll eat later." "You'll eat now." She said and I just turned my head to sleep.

Amao's POV

"Where's (Y/n)?" "Why do you want to know?" "Because she's our best friend! Aren't you worried about her?" Damien yelled at me and I nodded as I made food for the cooking club to pass out. "Of course I am but Hanakō said she's sick..." "Are you just going to trust what a rival says?" "He walks with (Y/n) to school. Her mom came out and told him she was sick so I'll trust it." "What if she's been kidnapped?" "Do you think a mother would lie about their daughter being sick if they were missing?" I asked him, hiding my glare as I finished and left the plates out since the lunch bell rang.

"Excuse me, I need to go." I said and Damien growled. "You don't need to act nice all the time." "What do you mean?" "You hate me because I love (Y/n) too." "Yes, but (Y/n) said to our sisters that you two were never meant to be together and are just great friends. So I don't have any worries. If anything, I worry about Megamo the most." Damien clenched his fists and walked out as I walked to the empty room.

"I'm surprised they... managed to carry that box..." Oko said and we nodded. "Good, we're all here. Let's talk now." Megamo said and we all sat against the wall. The door opened and revealed a figure with red hair, red eyes and red glasses. "There you eight are." "Who are you?" "I'm Info-Kun. Who else?" We all stared in surprise and he locked the door after walking in.

"I heard you eight plan to kill the bullies, right? Don't worry, I won't tell anyone." Info-Kun said and showed his text message to show that it is him. "Alright... what about it?" Osano asked and Info-Kun smiled. "I'm just giving you a tip. Don't let (Y/n) catch you. You will stop all movement and your heart will begin to hurt. That is, if she rejects you. I also wouldn't blame it on her siblings since it seems she'll take the blame for them." He said and we stared at him curiously. "Just because I gave you the power to give demon empress a show doesn't mean I don't have it. In fact, she gave me the ability to see ahead of time. I gave you eight part of it." He smirked and brought out the screen. "I'm not aware what 'SNAP' does or is however, it seems broken. Now then, I'm here to give you tips about how to murder since it seems none of you remember." He smirked and spoke. "Right. Apparently I'm a demon too. Demon empress said that I'm a high demon. I absolutely hated humanity until it came to shows. I was actually a male who met her when she and the other three were making plans to kill the angels. I joined in to help them, after all, they were a few who decided that I wasn't able to live with a family, same as demon empress, I was too demonic. Damn peasants only cared about kind people who could help the world. I'd kill to see the disappointment- Wait, I don't need to." "How?" "I'm the demon of time. I can go back to relieve memories with people, when I'm a demon of course, but I can also bring humans from then here. All demons and angels can put memories of us in human's heads if we decide to live among humans later in life. I'll be back, time will start again until I return." "Hold on, what?" "You think I can monologue in enough time before class? No, I stopped time when I got here. In fact, the cameras won't see me, also, you'll want to delete the footage." "I've powered off this camera for now." "I see. I'll be back then, give each other jobs."

Info-Kun's POV

People looked at me curiously at the old village and stared to talk loudly. "I don't think he belongs here." "Neither do I." "Do you think he's the prophecy of the demon?" "Only Angels should exist. If it's so, we need to cleanse him..." Someone with blonde hair said and I was approached by a girl that looked just like (Y/n). She hit my side and looked up at me. "Sorry, if you excuse me, I need to meet up with some people." I nodded and a rock was thrown at her. Now, I was convinced it was her and blocked it. "You should be more careful." "Whatever. And I'm the 'demon' here." She growled as I put a hand on her shoulder. "Hold on, what's your name?" "It's ###." "What?" "Are you deaf? I said it's ###." She growled and I nodded, making out the words, 'Citra'. "Citra?" "That's what I said." She said and I nodded. "Call me Info." "That sounds dumb. Your parents must've seen you as a demon by how much you like red." "Citra! What's taking so long?" A female asked and I looked up. "Talking to someone Janice. He stopped a rock from knocking me out." I nodded and waved as the female looked to me. "He looks like someone you'd date~." She teased and I recognized Succubus's tone.

I see... she's with her friends... "Call me Info." "Is that your name or nickname?" A male asked behind me and I saw a deformed boy with two arms out of his back. "Nickname a few friends called me. What's this thing about demons around here?" "We are believed to be demons because of how we acted. Were you the same at your village?" I nodded. "Of course." "You don't seem like a deadly person..." Janice said. "Oh trust me, I help with murder without getting caught. I should probably hurry up..." I muttered the last part as who I'm guessing is Spider came. "This is?" "He saved me from getting knocked out. Call him Info I guess. That's Janice, don't mind her teasing. That's Kinoa, he's simply deformed. And finally, Diana. She loves anything creepy so don't mind that, especially spiders." They nodded and I nodded.

"I see. I suppose I'll tell you my real name. My name is Moku." "Moku? Alright then." Kinoa said and I nodded until he was grabbed. His eyes widened while he struggled as all four of his arms were held down. "Let me go! Help!" He said and I froze time quickly before saving him. "Let's go." I said and the four nodded while everyone else was frozen. "I'm showing them hell, you four go." "And what about you?" "Well, I sorta lied. Yes my name is Moku but I'm not from this time. I'm from the future and you're the first demon Citra, in other words, the demon empress. Janice is a Succubus, Kinoa is a demon named 'Hand Demon' and Diana is 'Spider Demon'. I came to show the ones who threw me out what's wrong. I suggest you go with your plan to kill the group." "You know?" "Yes, sadly they're the true angels these people look up to, now then." I grabbed two males and two females by the collar before finding the me from here. My eyes widened in realization. "This is me from this timeline. Plan with him." I said and pushed him to them. Kinoa caught him and they ran as I nodded to the me here. He nodded back with a evil grin before leaving with them. "Be careful, he's demonic too!" They nodded while leaving. "Now then, I'll show you demons." I growled and brought them to my time. We saw the eight boy's thoughts as they're eyes widened.

"Get the demons away from me!" One of the females yelled and they looked before staring curiously. "They are?" "My parents and Citra's..." "Who's Citra?" "Right, it's (Y/n). Citra was her name back then." They nodded and went back to eating as I brought them back. "Now then. Are you convinced that the five are demons?" "They still are just... not as bad as them..." One of the male's said as I dropped them to the floor. "God... I'll need to reverse time to talk to them..." I muttered and teleported myself to Citra.

"Oh, you're here?" "Yes, I'll visit often from time to time. Is this the average time I should come?" Janice nodded and smiled. "Thanks for saving Citra and Kinoa. What did you do?" "You're welcome. And I froze time. It's a power (Y-) or... Citra gave me." "What we're you saying?" "In my time, Citra's name was (Y/n). So sorry if I use that." She nodded and I thought for a minute. "So what are you doing to kill the others?" "We're going to set them on fire but have no idea how to..." I smiled and nodded. "I'll bring a mechanism for that tomorrow. Let's see, it's around the time school gets out." "Whats school?" "You don't have it by this time? Odd... well, it's something we learn in my time so people can be successful and woman aren't expected to stay home and care for the house, cooking and children." "Who watches them then?" "Something called a daycare, or school if they're old enough. I'll explain later." They nodded and went back to a normal conversation as I was leaving.

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