"So... What brings you here? I mean, it's raining. Like, a lot. Normally people would stay inside under these conditions."

Yes, she's right.
But I wouldn't consider myself "normal".
Plus, I love the rain.

"I just felt like it.", was all I said.

"Hmmm... Is that so..."


At least half an hour had passed, the silence between us never fading.
Somehow though, the silence wasn't an awkward one.
It was nice having someone sit beside you when you need company, without asking questions.


I decided to break the silence, for the sake of not turning crazy any minute.
Although the situation here with her wasn't that bad, I still wasn't a friend of silence between two people.

It makes me sick.


She tilted her head in my direction, paying attention to what I was saying.
I have to admit; She looked cute like this.

"Do you have many friends?"

It was a weird question, I know.
But I had to let some of my feelings out by now or I'd jump off the next bridge.

"I do."

I nodded, grateful she didn't ask me the same question.

"Can I... Tell you something?"

I looked over at her soaking wet form, she was nodding.

"I just broke up with my boyfriend and lost all my friends. I'm all alone by myself now and I honestly have no clue what the fuck I should do now."

I don't know why, but I felt like she would understand me.
She's a stranger, I didn't know what she was like.
Heck, I didn't even knew her name!
But somehow I got the feeling that I could trust her with just about anything.


I perked up hearing her voice again.

"Do you like singing?"

"I guess so...? Under the shower? Sometimes?"

I heard her chuckle softly, followed by a rustle.
She got up, looked at the sky and continued.

"You know, whatever bullshit happened to me, singing always freed my soul. Sounds cringy, right? But it's true. I've never loved anything or anyone as much as I love music before. Do you have something like that?"

I pondered over her words.

Something that I love more than anything?
Something to let my feelings out with?
There was only one thing I was sure of.

"Writing. I... Love to write. About whatever. I doesn't matter, as long as I can influence the story with my feelings and imaginations. That's what I love to do more than anything."

Turning around, she came closer to me again and smiled.

"That's good then. It's important to have something you love. So, wanna go?"

"Go? Where to?"

Didn't she understand that I wanted to be alone, in the rain, and think about my life?

"To my place."

"To your- What!?"

I felt my anger rise once again.
Who does she think she is!?

"Calm down. You love to write, I love to sing. You have to let your feelings flow, I can help you with that. You're gonna write lyrics, just the way you want it, and I'm gonna sing them for you. How does this sound?"


"... Alright."

I don't know what's gotten into me.
In that moment, I just stood up, wiped some water out of my hair and from my clothes and joined her.

Without even knowing her name.

A stranger.
A stranger whom I trusted more than myself.
A stranger whom I would grow close to, whom I would become best friends with and whom I would trust with my life.

Today marked the end and the beginning of a new life.


Sooo, okay, just to clarify
My own story is just a teeny tiny part of this OneShot
Just the fact that I got dumped, my friends left me and my best friend helped me out of my shitty mood
The rest is just fiction~
Hope you enjoyed anyways!!

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