Chapter 15: my savior.

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Valerie's P.O.V

I woke up as the alarm started buzzing making me wake up very grumpy. I hit the snooze button and continued with my sleep. I really don't feel like going to school, I think this is the day I stay in. I turned left and right trying to fall asleep again but it's useless. I sighed and just got out of bed. I went straight to the bathroom as I showered and brushed my teeth. I checked my phone as it read '8:30'. I really don't feel like going out today but it's not like I have a choice. the guys are probably at school and I'm just here. I pour myself a cup of orange juice as I see Kellian walking outside. I put my cup on the counter and head out.


I said as he turned around.

kellian:"Valerie. what are you doing here?"

Valerie:"um I live in this house right here."

I said as I pointed to my home.

Valerie:"what are you up too?"


Valerie:"can I join?"

he nodded as I catched up to him

kellian:"aren't you supposed to be in school?"

Valerie:"aren't you supposed to be at work?"

I asked as he laughed.

kellian:"i just needed some air."

Valerie:"oh. and I just didn't feel like going today."

we continued walking and went inside a coffee shop as we ordered our drinks and took a seat in the corner tables.

kellian:"so what's been on your mind lately?"

Valerie:"you have no idea."

he nods as he takes a sip of his steamy hot coffee.

kellian:"how' know."

Valerie:"Gerard? He's good. he's at school right now. same thing for Alex."

kellian:" tell me love, what are you doing later on?"

Valerie:"I have to meet someo- I mean umm...nothing just studying."

kellian:"you're meeting someone? who?"

Valerie:"no one. I just messed up my sentence."

I said as he raised his eyebrow not believing in my excuse but he went along with it.

kellian:"well I got to go but i'll see you in a few."

Valerie:"what do you mean?"

kellian:"you'll see."

he Said as he took his coffee and left. well that was just weird. I took a sip of my coffee not caring about the painful burn it leaves on my mouth and took out my phone as it read '9:33'

...should I even go? what if this killjoy person it's like a hypocrite or something...should I let Gerard know? I don't know.

I continued drinking my steaming coffee as I heard a bell jingle. I looked up and noticed it was the stupid jocks from school getting in line to order a drink. what the fudge are they doing here?! I grabbed a small menu that was left on the table and held it up to my face so i won't get seen. I heard them laugh and take a seat in the table in front of me. slowly I stood up from my table still holding the menu up and turned around as I put down the menu and ran away. but luck wasn't on my side as I hear running steps after me, I turn around and see all the jocks chasing me. I ran and ran as fast as I could. where am i supposed to hide? I took out my phone while running and saw that it was 10:15. Fuck it, I'll just go meet him.

I ran to the park as one of the jocks was getting closer to me until i built up my speed to go faster. I finally arrived to the park but where am i supposed to wait for him while I'm being chased? oh well, I guess i have to keep running. I continued running and ran past a familiar guy that i couldn't be able to see well since he was in a hoodie. I continued running but i didn't hear steps behind me any more. I stopped to catch my breathe and turned around as i see the mysterious guy beating up the jocks. that's him. that's killjoy123.

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