chapter 9: you're just the school's player.

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Valerie's P.O.V


doctor:"you're pregnant."

he says. my whole body felt numb, I was speechless; I'm not ready for this, I can't believe this is happening. who am I supposed to raise a baby? I can't do it I just can't. I'm not ready.

Valerie:"for how long?"

doctor:"well by the looks of it, probably for a few weeks."


Valerie:"how am I supposed to raise a child when I can't even take care of myself at school."

doctor:"well...I've seen tons of young teenagers pregnant coming into my office for check ups. believe it or not, they're younger than first my wife thought the same thing. she thought she was never capable of taking care of a child...but she did it. if she could do and all the other teens out there; I know you could do it too."


doctor:"well this concludes the appointment, I have other clients that need my existence so I better be on my way."

Valerie:"thank you."


he says and walks out. I sat there quietly as I raised my hand to my stomach as a tear fell from my eye.

Doctor's P.O.V

after my visit with Valerie, I was walking down the halls to attend my next client until I hear movement in the janitor's closet. I stopped walking and pressed my ear against the door as I heard kissing noises with Moans. I pulled away with my face full of shock; I felt like I've been scarred for life. of course I heard those noises from me and my wife but from other people...don't even get me started on it.

I sighed and pulled the door open; once I did, I screamed when I noticed that it was lynz and some other dude. I screamed as she screamed as well. I shut the door and Leaned on it as I started to breathe heavily. I sighed and fixed my coat as I cleared my throat and continued walking. yup; I'm scarred for life.

Gerard's P.O.V

Gerard:"what was that about?"

lynz:"I don't where were we?"

she says, She pulls closer to me but I pulled away.

Gerard:"what am I even doing in here?! I know who I love and it's not with you."

Lynz:"of course it's with me! otherwise why would you kiss back? besides you said it yourself. you said that you hardly know Valerie. you said that you hardly have things in common! and WE don't need her Gerard. I could do much better."


Gerard:"no. I love her and that's final!"

I said, I opened the door and walked out as she tried pulling My arm but I snapped it away from her. I can't believe I was so stupid to make out with another girl. what lynz said was wrong; I never said that and I never would. I went to the waiting room and found where I was earlier and found Valerie sitting on same spot I was in with her head resting in her hands.


I said, I sat next to her and she raised her head as I saw her eyes red, puffy and wet while agree hugged me and started sobbing on my shoulder.

Gerard:"shhh, shhh it's ok cherry blossom. shhh."

i said as I rubbed her back. I continued trying to calm her down as I saw that lynz was back at her desk while she winked at me. I felt anger and guilt rushing thro me so I placed Valerie on my lap as she cried in my chest. lynz slammed her hand on the desk and stood up from her seat and walked away; tho I regret doing that, I saw her come out of a for waking fast towards me then Grabs me jacket and put her lips towards mine and then pulled away.

Valerie:"what the hell are you doing?!"

lynz:"he loves me not you! did he even tell you about our make out session in the closet!"

Gerard:"Valerie I can explain!"

Valerie:"would you both just shut up!! why would you do this to me?! I thought you loved me!"

Gerard:"and I do!"

Valerie:"no just stop! I knew you would leave me! I knew it! you just knocked me up and now you're leaving me!!"

she says and turns around and she puts her hand on her forehead and continues to cry.

Gerard:"what are you talking about?"

Valerie:"congratulations. you did it. you knocked me up and now you're leaving."

Gerard:"what the hell were you talking about?"

Valerie:"for fucks sake! I'm pregnant!"

my face went into shock and so did lynz's I felt guilt running thro my veins. I hurt me to see her cry so much about my mistakes. but I deserve it."

Valerie:"I thought you were different...but're just the school's player."

she says and walks away.

Gerard:"Valerie wait!"

lynz:"wow. that went well. now we can be together!"

she says as she hugs me from behind. I took off her hands from my waist and pushed her to the couch as I ran out the hospital to catch up to Valerie.

Secret Admirer 2Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora