Getting Caught

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Again, I woke up in the hospital. There was a nurse taking my blood. When I saw her, I flinched. She told me to hold still, or my vein could burst. That freaked me out a little, so I sat still. A few seconds later, she was done. "Where's my mom?" I asked quietly. "She is in another room. She was almost murdered." I didn't know how to react to that. So I just acted surprised and acted like I was going to cry. "What?!" I screamed. "Why?! What happened?! I want to see her!" I screamed. But I didn't want to know what I was going to do. I just wanted to get this shit over with. "Don't worry. Some lawyers are coming in later today to interview.... Oh, I wasn't supposed to say that part. Um, just forget that happened. They are coming to tell you what happened..." And with that she left. Interview me?
They thought... knew I tried to murder her.

I heard a knocking on my door just before a doctor came in. "The lawyers are here."

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