Following Me

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The next day at school, as always, I couldn't focus on anything. But this time, it wasn't just because I was bored. I couldn't stop thinking about how my dream came true. And it was not a good dream. Bella... was she... Evil? No. No way. Well... No! I need to stop thinking like that. "Class dismissed!" Said my teacher, Mr. Gonzalez. "See you tomorrow! Remember your 10 page essay is due tomorrow! Bye!" I picked up my things and I stood up. I thought I saw Bella out of the corner of my eye, but when I looked, there was nothing there. I guess I was just... Scared.

"Hey! Katie!" Scream Juliet from across the field. I started walking towards her. "Yeah?" I said. But I was still thinking about Bella.You've been acting weird lately. I know it was you-know-who's birthday 4 days ago, but I just want to know, what's going on?" I looked at her surprised and shoes that she thought that I was avoiding her. And that she wanted into my personal life. "Look, Juliet, I appreciate that you would like to snoop around in my personal life, but some thing jut aren't any of your business." I said as I turned and slowly walked away. She called my name over and over but I just ignored her. "Katie! Katie! Katie, your being ridiculous! Katie!"

About 1/4 of the way to my house this boy, that I just happened to have a major crush on, actually TALKED to me. "Hey, Katie, right?" I kept walking and I didn't look at him, but I did respond. "Yeah. Josh, right?" Even though I knew exactly who he was. "Yeah. So I saw you crying on the bus a couple of days ago..." I stopped dead in my tracks. I slowly turned around on my heels. What the hell did he just say? "What are you some mind of sick psycho who likes to watch people crying?" I said as I stared into his perfect ocean blue eyes. I turned around to walk off just as Josh started calling my name. But then I saw her. I saw Bella. She stared up at me and started to grin. I ran faster than I ever have before, but she just seemed to keep following me. One thing I knew for sure was that I was scared.

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