Mirror Mirror on the Wall. Who's the Deadest of them All?

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I had the perfect plan. As soon as she falls asleep I am going to suffocate her. Then I am going to stab her. And then hang her. And make it look like suicide. Let's do this.

I was hiding in her closet. I could hear her unlocking the door to her families apartment. Luckily, no one was home but her. She set down her bags, and hung up her keys. She was humming a song. It was "Sweet Dreams". My favorite song. She quickly changed into her pajamas. She turned off her light and laid in bed. She quickly fell asleep. But, I waited an extra hour just to be sure. She was definitely sleeping. I'm ready to do this.

I grabbed my rope, and set it next to her bed. I smiled as I gently stroked my knife, making myself bleed a little bit. I had the perfect plan. As soon as she falls asleep I am going to suffocate her. Then I am going to stab her. And then hang her. And make it look like suicide. Let's do this.

I was hiding in her closet. I could hear her unlocking the door to her families apartment. Luckily, no one was home but her. She set down her bags, and hung up her keys. She was humming a song. It was "Sweet Dreams". My favorite song. She quickly changed into her pajamas. She turned off her light and laid in bed. She quickly fell asleep. But, I waited an extra hour just to be sure. She was definitely sleeping. I'm ready to do this.

I grabbed my rope, and set it next to her bed. I smiled as I gently stroked my knife, making myself bleed a little bit. I wiped my blood on Juliet's face. I was so ready for this.

NightmaresTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon