A Nightmare

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And... (8+bx5)8,979=y. Wait... De ja vu. I feel like I have seen this before. Well, at least I was done with all my homework. I went upstairs to brush my teeth, and then I got into my pajamas. I turned on my lamp, and time off the main light in my room. then I pulled out my covers and sat up in my bed. Just as I was about to turn off my lamp... Bella... She appeared.

She looked perfect. She was so perfect. A little too perfect. Something was wrong. I also had one question floating through my mind. Why and how was she here? In my room? Had she heard what I had said today in between periods? This had to be a dream. I pinched myself but I wasn't waking up. But then...

Her eyes. She had none. Blood was dripping from them, and her fingernails. She didn't have any fingernails either. Then very slowly she said,"I'm coming for you!".

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