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I am so excited to see who my next victim will be! I gasped. Will I be on the news? As the best new murderer? Haha, I sure hope so! I looked at the knife that I used to kill Josh with. Woah, I suddenly just got a migraine. Ugh! It hurts! What the hell? I pulled over to a gas station to rest for a little bit. But the last thing I remember was seeing Bella. And then, I passed out.

I woke up at 8:00 a.m. And I was in the middle of nowhere. Shit! What happened? But then, I looked over in the passenger seat and I saw Josh. I saw him sitting there looking at me. And not like a ghost, but like his dead body. What? I had blood all over myself. I turned on my phone and looked at the newest news reports. It said,"Last night there were a total of 9 murders, all after midnight. One person claimed that they found there son laying in bed dead, without his head at around 1:30 a.m. When they heard someone break the window. The other 8 murders followed about 2-3 hours after. If I were you, I would lock all your windows and doors. Be safe, Florida!" What? I thought. I only killed one person last night. But I do remember passing out. Maybe I...? No, no, no. That can't be possible. Then I saw Bella staring at me, while standing in front of my car.

"You must... Die," she barely managed to get out. "You must die," she said again, but this time a little bit faster. "You must die," she kept saying that. Over and over again. I finally figured out what happened to me. She possessed me and killed 8 other people. But why?

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