Am I Dead?

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I woke up. Sort of. My vision was blurry, I couldn't hear anything but a high pitched noise. I was pretty sure I was in the hospital. The nurses and doctors rushed me towards a room. They grabbed a scalpel. Were they doing surgery on me?! "Hol- sti-, sweeti-" I could barely hear. She kept getting cut off by something. A sharp pain from my lower neck came rushing through my body like a bolt of lightning. What had happened? ... Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was in the middle of going to murder my mom... I got caught. There's no way, that they didn't find out, I was the killer. Unless... Unless, they didn't hear the truth. About what happened. But, before I could think of a lie, I felt a sharp pain in my chest, and blacked out.

Beep, beep. Beep. I could hear a faint beeping sound. I looked up to see that I was in a strange room. I freaked out. There was a tube hanging from my nose, and I pulled out the tube, an ran to a wall, and accidentally slammed myself against it in an attempt to get out. The nurses and doctors came rushing in, and told me to calm down, and that I was in a safe place. I felt something tickling my neck. I looked down, to find blood dripping down my neck. "Oh great..." I heard a doctor whisper. "She broke open her stitches... Get the shot!" I scurried into a corner. I was so afraid of needles. Then a nurse came in, and jabbed a needle into my arm. I tried to push it away, but I instantly felt woozy. The entire room was spinning, and I felt like the air in my lungs was being squeezed out of me.

Again, I woke up. In the same room. This time I knew better than to run around freaking out. I looked for somebody in the room. No one was there. Then, a doctor came in, looking at a clipboard. When he looked up his eyes got big. He turned around and opened the door, screamed for security, and nurses. What did I do? "Katie, stay calm!" I heard a nurse say. I had heard that same sentence too many times now. I tried to lift up my arms to run away, butter then I noticed that my arms were strapped down. "What happened?! What did I do?" I screamed. "Shh, shh, shh," I heard a nurse say. "Calm down. I'll tell you, just calm down." She told me everything. Except, that I tried to kill my mother. I don't think they knew. She told me, that I went into a coma for almost 3 months, because while I was in my moms room, something must have hit the window, and broke the glass, and a shard got stuck in my neck. My neighbor heard screaming, and called 911. They had to do surgery on me ASAP, so that I wouldn't die. Ever since, I've been in a coma. Then, during my coma. I attacked people. But, like I said I was in a coma. I attacked people. While I was sleeping! Crazy, right. Am I crazy? Or am I just... Dead?

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