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Chris' POV- September 2019

When I left Nora at work, we agreed I'd be back after my meeting to have lunch with her. Halfway through the team meeting, one of the workers from the front desk rushed in and handed Doc a note. He stuffed the note into his pocket and then informed me that I needed to get to Nora. All I got was a, "go with your wife". 

I honestly don't know how I got here in one piece, but once I parked my car, I jogged into the hospital. As I made my way in, a handcuffed Dean was being escorted by police.


We made eye contact as he was dragged out. That was when I noticed the bloody lip and nose.


I felt a push on my chest, and before I could react, someone was pulling me into the building.

"I'm taking you to Nora"

The police could deal with Dean, I needed to make sure the baby and Nora were okay. As I was dragged along, I realized that the person taking me to Nora was Drew, Dominic's partner.

"What happened?" I asked her once we were in an elevator.

"I wasn't there, but all I know is Dean tried to talk to Nora"

This fucker.

"Is she okay?" I questioned.

"I don't know, all I know is she fell"

Forward? Backward? On her Side?

"This way"

Thankfully, she grabbed my hand and pulled me along. Dom was standing at the end of the hall, and he turned when Drew called out his name. It was then that I saw his busted lip and a slightly inflamed cheekbone.

"They're both okay, Eric is with her. Go inside"

I heard a strong steady, but quick heartbeat, followed by Nora's muffled crying as I stepped into the room. Nora's OBGYN, Emily was standing on one side, and Eric on the other side.

"Let's give them some space"

Eric handed me a waterbottle.

"Have her take a few sips every couple of minutes"

I nodded and turned to Nora who let out the most heartwrenching sob I had ever heard.

"I'm so sorry"

"You're okay" I told her.

I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her as close as I possibly could to me.

"You're both okay" I said against her forehead.

We stayed in each other embrace for a couple of minutes. She was still crying, but no longer sobbing and out of breath.

"How's Dom?"

"He's outside," I replied as I pushed her hair back.

"He was bleeding"

"They stitched his bottom lip," I said.

She sniffled and I watched her with shaky hands grab the ultrasound wand and press it against her stomach. After gliding it across her belly, a strong steady heartbeat was heard.

"Drink some water" I suggested.

"Open the bottle for me?"

Her hands would not stop shaking, so I helped her hold the bottle as she took several gulps.

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