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Chris' POV- July 2019

"Come on in"

I stepped into Nora's childhood home and slowly looked around. The hall was covered in pictures, and I was included in a couple. As I followed Ella inside, my eyes fell on a picture. I stopped walking in order to get a better look.

"Dad! Chris and I are here!"

Ella's voice was loud, but thankfully I was not feeling like shit today.


The picture was taken in an away locker room (because I was wearing the away kit). My dad was standing to my right, and tucked under my left arm was Nora. Mom and Noel were standing next to Nora.. There was a big smile on every single one of our faces.

"The picture was taken after the Dodgers beat the Brewers to advance to the World Series last October"

I looked away from the picture to see Jarrett, Nora's (and Ella's) dad standing a couple of feet away. By the looks of it, he had just come from work because he was dressed pretty lawyerish to me.

"You made an amazing catch that kept the Brewers from tying the game"

He stretched out his hand.

"It's nice to see you, Chris"

I took his hand and stepped forward to meet him in the hug.

"How's Ella's driving?"

"Reminds me of Nora's" I admitted.

He nodded.

"Yeah, Theo is my only wreck driver"

I chuckled and followed him into the living room.

"Ella, did you ask Chris if he wanted anything to drink?"

She shook her head and looked down at her phone.

"I brought water and a Gatorade that I expect him to finish"

Jarrett chuckled.

"Alright, well I'll let you two be. I need to look through some notes"

Once he was gone, Ella looked at me.

"Take a seat"

I took a seat and looked around.

"If you start to not feel well, let me know so I can take you to Nora's old room"

I nodded.

"So I have to go load some laundry in the washing machine, but let me put you a podcast so you can listen to it"

"Okay," I answered.

"Make yourself comfortable, Chris"

I decided to lie down on the couch and closed my eyes. Ella put a True Crime podcast and then went to do what she said she would. I guess I was so into the podcast, I didn't hear her return until she nudged me.

"Are you asleep?"

"No" I replied.

"Dad said to show you the video of that catch you made during last season's NLCS"

I sat up.

"What about that strict no TV rule?" I asked.

She smiled.

"I won't tell if you don't"

I chuckled and shifted so I was sitting correctly on the couch while she looked up the video on Youtube. She typed in Chris Taylor catch and clicked on the first video.

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