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Nora's POV- July 2019

I couldn't help but groan as I bumped into my cousin, Dom on my way out of the medical department I worked in.

"Hello to you too"

"Dom, I'm kind of in a hurry" I told him.

"I'll walk you to your car"

Not going to my car.

"I'm okay" I assured him.

He frowned.

"You went to get blood work drawn"

"Dom, I'll explain it later. Now is not that time" I replied.

Being the overprotective cousin he was, he followed me into the elevator.

"I'm worried"

"There's no need for that, I'm okay" I assured him.

"Why'd you get blood work drawn again?"

Because my OBGYN asked me to?

"Dom, I promise I'll tell you all about it later" I told him.

We both stepped out of the elevator.

"Nori, what's going on?"

Drew was going to hear it from me the next time I saw her.

"You know Drew can get fired if I file a complaint?" I questioned.

"We're just worried"

"HIPPA" I reminded him.

"You're family"

She's not though...yea, I was going there.

"Where are you going?"

I chose to ignore him, and walked ahead and cross to the building next door. Before he could reach me, I made it to the other exit where Chris and Noel were.

"Sorry I'm late" I apologized.

Both Chris and Noel glanced away from me as Dom made his way out. I rolled my eyes before smiling at Chris.

"Ready?" I asked.


Noel glance at Dome before looking at me.

"Text me?"

I nodded.

"Thanks for dropping him off," I said.

"Yeah, no worries. If you need me, I'll be stuffing my face with mac and cheese with my mom"

"Have fun with that," I told her.

"See you later"

And just like that, she walked away.

"Hey, Dom"

Chris, why do you have to be so nice?

"Hey man, nice to see you out and about"

"We're late," I said to Chris.

He looked away from Dom and smiled at me.

"And who's fault is that?"

"This one's fault because he's been trying to corner me into telling me what's going on" I stated.

Dom frowned.

"I'm just worried"

"Buh bye now," I told him as I grabbed Chris' hand and walked away from him.

He still followed, just kept a slow pace.

"You're not wearing your white coat"

I smiled and rolled my eyes at Chris.

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