Lymphoma-Kirstie pt. two

Start from the beginning

"Aw, Kirst. Bad day?" He asked, referring to her chemo. She nodded as she had also assumed that's all it was. 

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm here." He promised, sliding into bed next to her to wrap a comforting arm around her waist. She whimpered at the pain as he held her for a few minutes, before deciding to get some food into her. 

"Alright, Kirst. I want you to get a little bit of food into you. I'm gonna help you sit up, okay?" He asked, but she was only able to let out an affirmative noise. He carefully put a hand on her lower back, using his other hand to hold her hand as he eased her into a sitting position. 

"Do you think you can stand?" He asked her. The girl nodded, though she wasn't really sure. He helped her ease into her feet, but as soon as she was standing, her knees buckled and she nearly fell, but Avi caught her just in time. 

"Shh, shh, I got you." He soothed once he saw the tears in her eyes. "I can carry you." He promised, carefully sweeping an arm under her knees to hold her bridal style. He carried her into the kitchen and placed her at the counter. 

"Toast sound good?" He asked her, knowing she wouldn't be able to keep much down. The girl nodded so that she wouldn't upset him, even though she wasn't sure if she could. Avi smiled reassuringly, so she gave a shy one back. As he was making the small meal, Kevin came out to meet them.

It only took one look to know that she was in pain. 

"Hey, Kirst. How are you feeling?"  He asked the girl who simply shrugged. He gave a sympathetic smile, but wasn't able to make much fuss over her before Scott and Mitch stumbled out of there rooms, Scott with a loud groan and Mitch burying his head in his hands to block out any light. Kirstie giggled at the sight of her two friends. They were obviously hung over, making Avi go into his 'parent' mode he had discovered from the trio, especially Kirstie, despite the fact that she was the easiest to care for. She didn't like being center of attention a lot, and always felt like she was bothering him. He always kept trying to remind her that she wasn't a nusicince at all, but she never seemed to believe him. 

Kevin got out two waters when Kirstie motioned for him to do so. She'd been taking care of the Superfruit duo for longer than most, and knew exactly what to do. She was still too sore and stiff to move, but instructed Kevin on what to do to make them stop whining, though it wasn't all that effective. It was nice to get to take care of someone else for once, like she got to before she was sick. She had always wanted to be a doctor before Pentatonix became an option. 

Avi chuckled at the duo's dramatic reaction, sliding the plate towards Kirstie. She picked it up hesitantly, nibbing on it slowly. It didn't seem to settle well, and she was left in a predicament. She knew it wouldn't stay down for long, but was in too much pain to go to the bathroom by herself. She was unsure if she should ask him or not. Once she looked over to see Avi and Kevin busy with Scott and Mitch, she chose not to interrupt. That would make Scott and Mitch upset with her, and she was hoping she could keep it all down until they were done. 

Her wish didn't come true, as her stomach lurched and her hand shot up to cover her mouth. The boys, too preoccupied at first, didn't notice until she couldn't keep it down and emptied her stomach onto the floor. 

"Woah, Kirst!" Avi said in shock, "I'm right here, Kit, alright? It's all gonna be okay." He soothed, walking towards her to comfort her  while Kevin was left with cleaning up. She couldn't stop herself, so Avi picked her up with ease, as she was much lighter than before she got sick, and brought her to the bathroom. He was a bit concerned of why she couldn't hold down such a light meal, but didn't have the time to worry about it while all his attention was on his girlfriend. 

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