While Rubab was talking, Misha looked behind Rubab absent mindedly, only to have eye contact with some guy who was staring at her intensely. She instantly looked away feeling awkward at what happened. Once Rubab was done with her call, she smiled brightly at the two of them.

"Did she agree? Please say yes." Misha asked trying to divert her mind from the creepy guy who was staring at her.

"Yes. She is okay with me staying over since I only live like ten minutes away from Misha's place anyway." Rubab replied and all three of them let out a girlish shriek.

"OMG YAY!" Zoya squealed loudly as she high-fived Misha who high fived Rubab who high fived Zoya.

Once the excitement died down, all of them started talking about random topics and this time it was Zoya who noticed the creepy guy staring at them. He hardly looked a year or two older than them. He was sitting in a big group of ten or so guys including him. Zoya noticed him staring at Misha who was talking to Rubab and then the guy noticed Zoya and grinned in her direction. Zoya made a disgusted expression as she looked back to her friends.

"Guys, am I the only one who noticed the guy in navy blue staring at us creepily? Look at him subtly. He is sitting right behind Rubab." Zoya finally said out loud when she realized that he had been staring at them constantly.

"You are not the only one. I noticed too so I am not going to look again. He gives off creepy vibes." Misha added in a low whisper while Rubab just turned 180 degrees to look at the guy who was already staring in their direction along with one of his friends. Misha and Zoya sighed and face palmed at Rubab's zero level of subtlety.

"His eyes are pretty red. Is he stoned or something?" Rubab observed and then turned back.

"I got no idea and I don't want to know either." Misha answered as she decided to ignore him.

"Yeah, he looks high. He is smiling and being weird." Zoya made another disgusted face.

"Let's just ignore him." Rubab concluded and both of them agreed.

The ignoring plan worked until he got up and started to walk towards their table. None of them noticed until he was standing between Misha and Rubab's chairs.

"Excuse me? Can I talk to you girls for a minute?" The guy questioned as he directed his blood shot eyes at Misha then Rubab and finally at Zoya.

"No." Zoya answered for all three of them and he just stood there awkwardly before he started smiling again.

"It will only take a short while. I just want to get to know you all."

"We are not interested." Misha replied this time while keeping her serious face on but that didn't affect him at all either.

"But I am. So are some of my friends." He smirked as he pointed towards his group of nine friends who were all staring at him amused.

"Is this a dare or something?" Zoya asked annoyed.

"Nope. I genuinely want to get to know you all. What are your names? My name is Zahid Sheikh." He said loudly and his friends hooted his name out.

"Can you leave?" Rubab asked coldly while her face gave away zero emotions.

"Not until I have your contact information. How about I start with you?" With that he made a move to grab Misha's phone leaving all three of them shocked at his audacity. He dialed his own number from Misha's number and called himself to get her number. Misha stood up with rage as she yelled at him.

"Give me back my phone!" But the guy and his friends just laughed as he took a step back and raised Misha's phone above his head away from Misha's reach while looking at his own phone, waiting for it to start ringing.

"I am almost done. Wait. There we go. Here." He handed back the phone to Misha while grabbing her wrist and smirked. "That wasn't so difficult now, was it?"

The hooting and cheering stopped the moment Qasim's hand connected with Zahid's face. Misha looked in absolute shock as she watched her brother tackle the guy to the ground. Where did he come from? But Misha was so glad to see her brother right now. Zahid let go of Misha as he fell to the ground with Qasim on top of him swearing at him.

"Kaminay! Meri behan ko chehrta hai? Tera mun tor dunga men. (Jerk! you dare to bother my sister? I will break your face.)" Qasim said as he landed punch after punch on Zahid's face. Zahid's friends got up the moment they recovered from the shock and ran towards Qasim to get him off Zahid. The relief in Zoya, Rubab and Misha's face vanished as soon as it arrived when Zahid's friends started to beat up Qasim who was trying to fight back all nine guys while Zahid was on the floor groaning.

"Let him go! Let my brother go!" Misha tried to go towards her brother but Zahid held her back and whispered in her ear.

"He should have been careful before messing with me as well. Do you even know who I am?" Zahid warned her but Misha totally ignored him as she started to call the police and Zahid noticed and grabbed her phone. "Unless you want me to make sure your brother never walks again, you better not do that."

Author's note:

So, I wasn't supposed to update but then I just had this random burst of motivation to do this. What did you guys think? What is going to happen next? What will Misha do while her brother is getting beat up? AND WHERE THE HECK IS IBRAHEEM WHEN YOU NEED HIM?

Secondly, I wanted to ask you guys if I should make an Instagram account where you all can follow me and we can do fun stuff like Polls and Questions boxes on who your favorite character is or what my next project should be and stuff. What do you think? Since Wattpad isn't super interactive in that way so should I do this or not? I just hope you all don't drop me messages there to do updates here lol I am just trying to create a stress free fun zone where I can interact with you all in a fun way and it can be non related to Wattpad too. 

This is just an idea I had, I might or might not go ahead with it. It all depends on multiple factors. Your response, my energy, time and everything so yeah. I might make it and deactivate if it gets too stressful or I might not make it in the first place or I might make it and it would go a long way. Too many factors. I am just stating this to get your take on it for now so do let me know what you guys think.

Peace out. \\//

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