"Yes alright clever clogs! I get the gist but that still doesn't solve the problem with Castiel." My heart dropped at the name and I sighed melodramatically.

"I've already told you what to do with that Dean, marry him! Then angels and demons will be united!" He smiled happily and I shake my head at his ignorance.

"You have no idea. That won't work Sammy, angels and demons hate each other with true passion and nothing, not even marriage will break that. This war has been going on since the earth was created and it won't stop, not now and not ever."

"Well aren't you the optimist." He gave me a bitch face and turned around to stalk out of the room, leaving me alone once more. I had decided to get a good night's rest and try to speak to Cas tomorrow, not knowing what to say but to try and prize more information out of him about who he really is. I would sleep on it.


"WAKE-UP YOUR HIGHNESS!" A guard shouted into my room and I groaned and rolled over to look at him angrily.

"Do you need to shout? What time is it? Ergh, leave me alone." I grumble but he barges into the room and pulls me up.

"I'm sorry your highness but we need to get you to a safe place. There has been a break in. The angels have come to claim back their king once they found out that we have locked him up." The guard said and my eyes shoot open. I jump out of bed and quickly slip on my robe. I don't even bother to get change or even wait for the guard as I run down the hallways and towards the dungeons where I hoped Cas would still be. I pushed passed the guards who warned me not to go down there and looked upon the darkness of the broken and smashed up cells. Angels were all standing, facing the guards and demon soldiers but the one that stood out the most was my angel. He was still wearing his slave garments but the seal around his neck was broken and lay like scrunched up parchment upon the floor. His wings were fully spread out and I gaped in awe at the sight of them. They were as black as winter's night but looked soft to touch, they were big and glowing slightly with his grace and power. He was holding a demon sword that he must have grabbed of one of the guards high above his head and was shouting some incantation at them in Enochian which flowed gracefully from his lips. I pushed through the guards and just as he was about to swing the sword down on one of them I stood in front of him, holding my arms up to try and stop the blow.

"Castiel no!" I scream and he stops mid-movement, staring me down. He lowers the sword and his wings spread fully behind him, standing on end like cats do when they are threatened. With a click of his fingers the other slave's chains fall off them and they also spread their wings, however theirs were not as big or as glorious as Castiel's.

"Let's fly." He ordered the angels and they all took flight above us, swishing about the broken cells before finally flying off. Demons tried to catch them but I took no notice of the commotion going on behind me. I was still staring at Castiel who was looking back at me calmly. "Do not try and find me Dean, you will not succeed."

"Cas..." I begin to say but with a swoop of his almighty wings he flies up above the demons and shoots out of the dungeons and up towards freedom. I wondered how with just a click of his fingers he could free those other angels when I realised that he must have been playing weak this whole time, trying to get information out of the castle in any way or form. I begin running back up the stone cold steps and towards the great hall where I knew my father and brother would be waiting for me. When I burst into the hall, there was even more commotion in here then there was down in the dungeons.

"GABRIEL PLEASE! NO, DON'T LEAVE ME!" My brother screamed at the golden eyed angel who had ripped off his own choker.

"Sorry kid." Was all he said before looking up to where Castiel was perched next to a broken glass stained window high above the great hall. He lurched upwards and a pair of bright golden wings suddenly appeared out of his back, flapping strongly to reach up towards his brother. Gabriel went straight through the window but Castiel remained sat calmly on the edge of it, one leg up on the side and one leg dangling down.

"I told you that you would pay King Johnathan and now you will. Why don't you tell your boys who their mother really was? To think I found out by just observing them both, it was very clear to see where their hearts truly lie." His words didn't make sense to me so I looked at my father and saw fear and shame written plainly across his face. With a cruel laugh, Castiel jumped off the ledge and with my heart in my mouth he swooped up just before he hit the floor and went smashing dramatically out of the window, making the glass fall towards the ground.

I turn to my father and approach him cautiously. He is still looking helplessly up at the window where Castiel was sat just moments before and didn't even notice me step towards him.

"What did he mean by 'where our hearts truly lie,' Father?" I asked him and he suddenly flicks his gaze to me, fury written across his face.

"Don't ask stupid questions Dean, he was manipulating you both into distrusting me but it is he that you must distrust." With a sweep of his long regal cloak he turns around and storms out of the great hall leaving me and many other demons confused and disorientated. I look at my little brother who is sat on the floor with his arms around his knees, his face buried into his knees as he rocks back and forth.

"Sammy." I say softly as I walk over to him and sit down next to him, placing an arm around his shoulders. "Everything will be okay."

"No it won't! I've lost my only friend in the whole wide world and he didn't even say good bye! He just flew off without a backwards glance." He cried without looking up and tried shrugging my arm off his shoulders but I just tightened my grip on him, letting his own eyes leak that salty fluid for his lost friend. After a while the hall emptied, leaving only a few still slaved angels and royal demons still murmuring softly to themselves.

"All of you, get back to work this instant!" Screamed the demon cook at the angels who all snapped back into action. "Someone clean this glass up, we can't have the prince's treading on it."

Sam stood up suddenly which made my hand fall limply off his shoulders. He looked down at me and smiled half-heartedly as if to say thanks before walking away from me, leaving me finally by myself. I sighed and placed my arms behind me, resting on them as I looked up at the broken window.

"Hey you." Said a voice I recognised too clearly. I looked behind me and Anna was stood there looking as beautiful as ever.

"Hello Anna." I say back, getting up and bowing my head slightly to show my respect.

"Rough day?" She asked, taking a step towards me and I remembered what Castiel said about not trying to find him so I placed my hands on her wait and rested my forehead against hers.

"The roughest." I reply back, my voice breaking slightly and she looks at me curiously.

"Don't worry about losing the slave; you'll get a new one." She shrugs and I take my hands and forehead away from her, stepping back slightly. She looks at me in confusion but I just smile back sadly.

"I don't want a new one; I never want an angel again." I say honestly and she laughs slightly and nods.

"No, I can't imagine that you do." I hold my hand out for her to take and with that we walk out of the hall together, hand in hand. Suddenly I stop and look at her. She stops also and stares back at me again, tilting her head to the left slightly. "Is something wrong?"

"Marry me." I say quickly, looking into her eyes and suddenly she smiles so brightly that it almost blinds me.

"Yes!" She giggles and I smile back at her and bring my face to her, kissing her soft red lips gently.

"Good." She then tells me to go and tell everyone while she already starts making arrangements for it; what dress she is going to wear, how she will have her hair and what music will play. My smile drops once she is out of sight and even though this should be a happy occasion, the fact that I had just proposed to my future Queen, I felt as sad as if someone whom was close to me had just died and in way, I suppose they had.

A/N: A bit short but I promise the next one will be longer. Hope you enjoyed guys! :)

In Another Life || demonprince!dean/angelslave!castiel with Sabriel includedNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ