Part 15

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I stood there for what seemed like hours.....after a while longer I saw Tom standing right in front of me "W...What are you doing here?" I said. "Oh I just wanted to tell u that I never even liked u, I was only with you to get close to Emma" Tom said. Emma came running and hugged him. I wanted to be mad but I just started to cry...I felt like I was being shaken, I kept hearing someone call my name. It sounded like Harrison. "Y/n wake up already" Haz said over and over again. I opened my eyes to see his face. I quickly moved away, "Why are you here" I said turning away from him. "Emma called Tom and said that you had gone running and we got here as fast as we could to find you" He said. "We're you crying?" He continued. "Just a bad dream ok, I'm fine" I replied. "HARRISON!" I kept hearing his name being called.
*Toms POV*
It's had been hours since, y/n... But Haz and I talked it over and everything's ok. At least that was until I got a phone call from Emma saying Y/n was missing. Haz and I got there quickly and started looking. After a while I saw Haz sitting with someone on a bench at a park. "HARRISON!" I kept yelling. I ran towards him. Harrison didn't say anything and just got up, that's when I realized he found Y/n. "There you are Y/n" I said pulling her into a hug. She did nothing. "Ah, sorry I....I'm just used to it" I said letting go with a frown forming on my face. Right when I was about to let go....Y/n hugged me tighter than she ever has.
*Y/N's POV*
When Tom hugged me I felt safe, but I didn't know how to react. He then let go, but before he could turn I hugged him, I tried to keep myself from crying but it just came out. "Hey y/n it's ok, it's ok , I'm here" he said. Those words, made me feel whole. "Let's take you home ok?" He said as he gestured for me to stand on the bench. I did so and he carried me all the way home. *Emma's POV*
Tom and Harrison told me to stay home while they went out to go look for Y/n. Several hours had passed and they weren't here yet. Then the door opened. "Y/n is she ok!" I said running to them. "Shhhh" they both said. "Where's her room Emma?" Tom asked. "Up the stairs to the right." "Thanks"
*Tom's POV*
I took her to her room, laying her on the bed that had already been there. I was about to leave when I felt a hand grab my wrist. "Please stay"Y/n whispered. I sat down. "No on the bed please." She whispered. I did what she'd told me and she curled up right next to me. I hugged her until I knew she was asleep. Before I even knew it I was asleep.

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