Part 5

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After I told Emma everything that happened Tom came back in.
*Tom's POV*
When I was in the phone with Haz he seemed kinda mad. I didn't know why, but something seemed off. I tried not to focus on it since I was still with Y/N. When I opened the door to the car-"Hey tom can I ask you something?" Y/N asked. When Y/N said that I got a little nervous considering how I felt about her. "Sure, What is it?" I said while getting in and facing her. "For some pictures and this one time u mentioned it.....Do you actually have a frog in your mouth and then take it out after the picture?" Y/N asked, I could tell she was trying not to laugh. "Yeah Y/N I have a frog in my mouth, I even keep one in here for emergencies." I said sarcastically. Y/N couldn't hold it in and started laughing so did I. Y/N has the cutest laugh ever. It was getting a little  late, so I drove Y/N back to the hotel she was staying at. "Thanks Tom, I had fun today." Y/N said with her cute smile. "I did too, maybe we could do this again tomorrow." I said hoping she would say yes. "Maybe but then I would be leaving Emma again." Y/N explained. "She can come too and I'll bring Harrison, so that way neither of them would be left alone." I said again hoping she would say yes. "Ok, I'm pretty sure Emma would be okay that." Y/N said. Y/N's phone dinged and I saw her wallpaper, "Aww how cute, you already have me as your wallpaper."I said kinda making fun of her. "Yeah yeah whatever." Y/N said while blushing and leaving the car.
*Y/N's POV*
I has so much fun with Tom today that I didn't pay much attention to my phone. That's when I realized Tom had posted a picture of us on Instagram tagging me, my phone was blowing up with notifications of followers likes and comments. Some comments were nice others.....not so much. When I walked inside our room Emma immediately asked "What's wrong?" I showed all the mean comments....."Oh Y/N RELAX they're all just jealous that Tom got with you and not them." Emma said laughing. "Wait what do you mean "Got with"?!?" I asked a little nervous. "Are you kidding me? I saw how he looked at you when we were on the plane, he obviously likes you, and well I li- wait no I take that back you LOVE him." Emma said laughing again. "So, that doesn't mean we're gonna get together he's famous and I'm just me."  I said as I was trying to fall asleep. "Let me guess you guys are going out again tomorrow?" Emma said raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, BUT GUESS WHAT! You're coming with me and Tom's bringing Harrison." I said practically shaking her. "Great Harrison and I are gonna be third wheeling." Emma said. "YEP NOW GOODNIGHT!" I said falling asleep.
*Tom's Pov*
When I got back Harrison was waiting for me at the door. "Hey man- I was cut off. "Don't "Hey man" me you ditched me to go with a girl you saw on the plane." Harrison said but he didn't yell so he wasn't THAT mad at me. "I know, I know but all FOUR of us are hanging out tomorrow." I explained. "Four?" Harrison asked confused. "Yeah, you, me, y/n and her sister." I told him. "Fine whatever just don't do it again, or at least tell me that you are." He said walking to his room. "Okay!" I yelled  walking to me room and going to bed.

The airport Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant