Part 2

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What do you mean here we go again?" I asked confused. "Tom literally every time we go somewhere, you see a girl you think is cute and never see her again." Haz said. " Okay yeah that happens a lot but I think this times going to be different." I replied. I couldn't get her out of my head for the whole two hours.
*Y/N's POV*
Emma fell asleep so I decided to watch a movie and ya know I'm gonna watch Spider-Man: Homecoming for the like millionth time. As I was putting the movie on my phone this little boy with a Spider-Man shirt on said "Mommy look she's watching Spider-Man." And ya know I was gonna be nice and asked if he wanted to watch it with me, his mom said it was fine but he eventually fell asleep in the middle of the movie. I finished watching and ended up falling asleep.
*Tom's POV*
She's still in my head, geez, I turned over to Haz but he was out cold. I wanted to look at Y/N but she might think I'm weird(Tom remembers your name when he heard your convo with Emma) i turned around anyways and she was asleep with some kid on her lap I saw her phone laying on her leg, it seems to be playing something and that's when I realized she was watching Spider-Man. I got up totally not being weird  wrote something on a paper and slid it into her hand.
Sorry for it being so short

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