She's Peaceful

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Dianne looked at her boyfriend, as they walked hand in hand down an old country lane just out of the city of Bath. He appeared to be thinking; his eyebrows knitted together. There were frown lines on his forehead and it was taking all her power not to lift a glove covered hand and smooth them out. She knew that would be misplaced however, he needed the opportunity to think in peace. Unsurprisingly, peace was not something you came across an awful lot with small kids and so any opportunity without a bouncy 4 year old should be taken as a moment to think.

Connie had opted to stay at her Nanny's rather than in the hotel that Joe had made out to be boring. He was quite glad she had taken the bate because it meant that he could be alone with Dianne for the first days in what felt like more than a month.

So far, it had been a weekend of few words, both choosing to physically appreciate rather than the usual verbal that occurred with Connie close by. Sure there had been light conversation but the pair had drank each other in rather than get into deep conversation about life or the future.

Or the past.

Dianne watched his face closely, feeling a panic rise when a tear fell from his eye and unceremoniously rolled down his face. She looked around and spotted a bench just ahead. Squeezing his hand she pulled him over to it and sat them down, instantly pulling his head onto her chest so she could kiss his hairline. Her arms wound around him proactively like the vines of a well routed tree.

"Are you okay?" She whispered, scared a volume higher would send him running much like a mouse. Send him running like a mouse or break him, that is.

"No," he shook his head, heal of his hand pressed into his eye to stop himself. He had sat up straight and was looking out across the field they had just walked adjacent to. It was as though he had turned all of his emotion off.

She sighed and took his hand, removing her gloves so she could feel his skin under her's, so she felt like she was doing more than just hold his hand. "Can I help?" She asked tentatively.

"4 memories came back as we were walking," Joe told her, willing himself not to cry, "it happens sometimes, my day could be fine, normal, and then suddenly more memories than I can handle show up and metaphorically punch me right in the gut."

"Do, do you want to talk about them?" Dianne asked, brushing his hair back into place.

"No, but that's why I was crying. It feels like one of those days."

"Hey, it's okay, we all have days like that. I'm happy you told me, Joseph. I love you," Dianne said, still whispering.

"Love you too," he said, pulling her up so they could carry on. Dianne realised that he was trying to hurry the day up to bedtime, where he might be lucky enough to escape his feelings.


"You're definitely not having anything?" Dianne double checked, ready to go up to the bar and order her food. She had found them a quiet pub in Bath for them to eat their dinner in, away from the crowds where he could continue to think if needs be. Joe had, naturally, been switched off all day leaving the decision making up to Dianne.

"I've got nervous belly," he said, rubbing his stomach, nor taking his gaze from the table, which he had been staring at since they came in.

"Why Darlin'?" She asked, sitting down next to him- food could wait.

"This, this pub, this pub, came, Lou-Louise," he stuttered, dropping words left, right and centre, his expression vacant. More vacant and lost than it had been all day.

She understood though, he knew that as he heard a sharp inhale. She gripped onto his wrist saying, "Jesus Joe, I'm so sorry, come on, let's get going, we'll have room service," and she pulled him upright.

Two Become Three- A Joanne StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora