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"Hello, oh hi Zoe, gosh Joe are you at your sister's already?" Dianne asked, as soon as the line connected.

"No, Zo came and stayed over last night, we're just on our way, you're in a little car mount. Can you see us all?" He asked, focusing on the road. The morning seemed to be the best time to travel, with the least amount of traffic so the siblings had decided then would be a good time.

"I can, hi Connie Love, are you sat in the middle," Dianne said, waving when Connie waved.

"We're trying something new, putting her in the middle to see if it helps car sickness. How you feeling Squidge?" Joe asked, they were about an hour in.

"Healthy," Connie replied, "is it still hot in Straya Dot?"

"It is, my brother got sunburn today," Dianne told her, as she took a seat at the kitchen table.

"Ouch, you should tell him to put suncream on Dot," Connie commented, making all 3 of them laugh.

"I will do, I'll let him know baby."

"So what have you been up to today then dear?" Joe asked, taking a sip of the McDonald's breakfast drink he and Zoe had decided to have. He had woken up with a lack of determination to make breakfast, so they had grabbed a McDonald's breakfast before they left, much to Connie's excitement.

"Not a whole lot, I've been resting today in the garden, everyone else went out but I wanted to stay in. Didn't go to bed until super late yesterday," Dianne explained smiling when her mum came in.

"Good, you deserve a chill out."

"Hey Con, do you recognise who this is?" Dianne said, flipping the camera around for Connie.

"It your Mummy Dot, but I can't 'member herd name," she shouted from the back of the car deafening Zoe and Joe.

"Inside voice Connie, Dianne can still hear you," Joe corrected, reaching back to tap her leg.

"It is my mum yes," Dianne said when she recovered from laughing, "do you want to say hi to Connie, Mum?"

"Hi Connie, Dotty was saying you're going to your Auntie's today, for Christmas, are you excited Darl?" Rina asked, drying a dish as she did so.

"Yep, I like you Dot's Mummy, you're just like she," Connie said, waving her hands around for no reason.

"I'm just like her am I? Well that's very nice of you to say. Are you ready for Christmas?" She asked, grabbing another dish.

"Yep, I bisited Farver Trismas on the day that Dot left, he said he can't give me Dianne for Christmas because he doesn't deliver Human beans but he said he will try and get me a bike there. Dot what do you want for Trismas?" She asked, and Zoe pouted having no idea that Connie had asked for Dianne for Christmas.

"My heart," she whispered to Joe who nodded and took an exit.

"Erm, let's see I asked for some clothes and new bedding, lots of boring adult things really Connie," Dianne answered, laughing. She returned to her seat at the table.

"Well my Daddy has gotten you a-"

"La la la, Connie remember we're keeping that a secret," Joe said loudly, as Zoe spoke loudly too so Dianne hadn't heard anything.

The redhead could be seen on the screen laughing her head off, and that made both Zoe and Joe laugh. Soon she was wiping her eyes free of tears. "That was absolutely hilarious, you both absolutely panicked, I'm looking forward to that."

"I so sowwy Dada, I forgotted, Dot it's a secret, I not tell you," she addressed Dianne, once she had recovered from the shock of the loudness.

"It's okay," both Joe and Dianne said at the same time.

Two Become Three- A Joanne StoryWhere stories live. Discover now