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Dianne moved her hand behind his head as they turned. She felt secure in his arms, foreheads touching, so close they could kiss. At the correct beat Joe's head moved back and Dianne adjusted her hand to touch his face. She smiled and caressed his cheek, not breaking eye contact. Dianne hated the next step, the spin, because it meant she had to let go of him and break the eye contact. But as soon as it started it was over and the walks were beginning, leading her into her most favourite part. She turned to face him, eyes down, felt the comfort of his hand on her chin and the back of her head and beamed as he leaned in and pressed his forehead against her's still holding her head. Her hands found this bum, it should have been his lower back but she could remember to do that in the real thing. And then she closed the gap and went for a kiss.

"The camera," Joe muttered, as he pulled her into a hug instead.

"Whoops," Dianne whispered, despite being in a room on their own it felt right to whisper. "That was incredible, so good, I'm happy with it," she said, holding his hand back to the camera that was balanced on bags and chairs.

"Yeah? It wasn't boppy?" Joe asked, as Dianne turned the music off.

"It wasn't boppy, it was perfect," Dianne nodded, she was impressed how it had just clicked.

"Come on Joe," she heard him say, as he switched his video off. "Di, what time is it?"

"Twenty to ten, shit you need to get Connie right?" Dianne said, unplugging her phone quickly.

"Yeah, 10pm outside of school, we should probably get going," Joe said and sat down to take his ballroom shoes off once he had ordered a car, time had escaped them a little bit, like it always did.

"Why are we getting her this late again?" Dianne asked, as Joe rushed around to pick up all his stuff.

"Connie's been to see the panto at the theatre with school so we've got to pick her up. And it's her last day but Mum's not going to be here until 7am tomorrow so I'm getting her," Joe explained, then added, "that's okay right?"

"Fine, you're sure it's okay I come?" Dianne checked, they had planned to go home together on Thursday so that they could have a lie in together on Friday before blocking, Joe had forgotten that Connie was finished at 10pm.

"Yep, she'll be so excited when she sees you, that's if she's not asleep. She was so excited this morning that she woke up at 5:30 and that was that," Joe told her pulling his coat on.

"You'll both be knackered, I am and I only woke up at half 6, ready?" She asked, as she pulled her own coat on and took his hand.

"Yeah, car's here," Joe nodded and pulled her suitcase behind him.


"Ah Mr Sugg, yes yours was one of the sleepers, do you want to go on and get her?" Connie's teacher asked, when Joe enquired to why Connie hadn't been waiting next to her.

"You'll be okay here?" He turned to Dianne, who had to get out when the Uber driver said he wouldn't take them home as well.

"Seriously," Dianne giggled and pushed him forward.

"There's your letter for you. Just letting you know she was quite sleepy, fell asleep 2 or 3 times," Connie's teacher said to Joe when he returned with a tired Connie in his arms.

"She woke up at half five so that would be why, thank you, see you in January," Joe held his free hand out for her.

"See you then," she returned the handshake and Joe walked back to where the new car was set to pick them up.

"She looks so precious, I mean she is always, but she's so wiggly that you don't get the full extent," Dianne pointed out, rubbing Connie's back as the waited on the curb for the car.

Two Become Three- A Joanne StoryWhere stories live. Discover now