Princesses, Dress Up and Training

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This was the original one shot chapter, nothing has really changed in it. You may want to skip if you've read it xxx

"Come on my dear," Joe ushered a little girl with brown plaits out of the door.

"Where we going adain Dada?" She asked, wrapping her hand around one of his fingers.

"We're going to daddy's work because he was silly and forgot it was an inset day and nana and grandad are both on holiday." Joe explained, stopping to button her yellow coat tighter, the chilly October air blowing leaves around their feet.

"Am I going to meet Dinan?" The little girl mispronounced, jogging slightly to keep up with her Dad's large steps.

"Yep, you get to see Dianne today, you'll like her she's like a big kid." Joe explained, walking to the waiting car.

"Cool, can I dance too daddy?" She asked, whilst Joe lifted her into the car, once he had checked it was for them.

"Maybe in the break, you'll have to ask Dianne, she's in charge." Joe let her know, pulling the belt over her, the Peppa pig bag that had been on her back sat next to Joe's own bag.

"Even of you?" She checked, once Joe had told the driver where they were going and stapped himself in.

"Especially me, how would she get daddy to dance otherwise?" Joe reminded her, sending a quick message to Dianne about the situation. He was nervous about Dianne meeting her, not that he was worried about Dianne's reaction, he knew she was already smitten for her, but she was worried about letting someone else in fully on the secret. He often kept her secret for fear of people judging him because he was a single dad to a 4 year old at 27. Connie's story was complicated and one for another time, definitely not a Monday morning.

"Yeah, because you were so bad when you started." She giggled at him, drawing him back to the conversation.

"Oi monkey, I wasn't that bad was I?" Joe asked, tapping a finger on her nose.

"Your arms and legs all went different ways. But not now because Dinan is magic." She told him, cheekily.

"That's mean, but you're probably right, you make sure you tell Dianne I was bad, and that she's magic because she is." Joe said to her truthfully. Over the last few weeks he had fallen for his dance partner and it was getting ever more difficult to hide that, not only from Dianne, but also from Connie, his daughter.

"I can't wait to hug her," Connie told him dreamily, as the car pulled to a stop outside the usual studio.

"Thank you," Joe thanked the driver as he unclipped the little girl, and pulled her out of the car. He lifted the bag onto her back, doing the same with his own, hand holding her's again. "Right my Con, let's go and see Dianne, she'll be waiting for us I'm sure."

Walking too slow for his liking, the threat of being papped high, he scooped Connie up and rested her on his hip, instantly speeding up into the building.

"Sorry I'm late," Joe said, as he walked into the studio, Connie now walking again.

"Don't worry, I understand," she said with a kind smile before crouching down to Connie's level, holding a hand out, "Hi you must be Connie, I'm Dianne, you can call me Dianne or if it's easier, Di or Dot."

"Hi Dinan," Connie said quietly, shrinking behind her Dad's leg.

"Don't be shy Monkey, Dianne's really nice," Joe said, picking her up again. This time however she laid her head on his shoulder, still shy. "Sorry she was so excited to meet you. But she's gone all shy." He rubbed her back, then continued to Dianne, "how was your Sunday? Relaxed?"

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