So who's is the pink?

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Pre one shot chapters

"Is there somewhere I can change into something a bit more flattering and have a quick refresh?" Dianne asked, looking down at her untidy clothes.

"Yeah, just the door at the end on the right," Joe said, not exactly thinking about where he was sending her, occupied by his camera.

"Cheers, I'll be back in a sec," Dianne said, as she grabbed her bag and walked towards the door that was shut. She was expecting the room to be a spare bedroom, with a double bed and some decorative furniture maybe. She wasn't expecting to be confronted by a toddler bed and a pink rug and a bin of princess clothes. "Joe?" She said confused, backing out of the room slightly, as if she'd gone into the wrong room.

"Yeah, what's...oh," he stopped at the end of the hallway, having just seen where she was. "I'm so sorry, I completely forgot you don't know. It's just when people ask for, shit, I'm so sorry, your probably so confused, here go upstairs and get ready and then I'll explain." He rambled, turning her around, sending her upstairs.

He sat on the sofa, nervously ringing his hands, she would be the first person, who wasn't part of a team of producers or his management, he had told about the best thing in his life in a long time. He'd grown so accustomed to people who came over to his house knowing about it that he had completely forgotten Dianne was none the wiser.

"Come here, I'm sorry," he repeated, moving a cushion so she could sit next to him, after she got to the bottom of the stairs, naturally still completely confused.

"No, don't worry, tell me as much as you want, this is a judgement free zone." Dianne said, she had processed what she had seen and had a few scenarios in her head, none of which were bad.

"I'm just going to be straight with you, because I trust you implicitly and I'm sure you would have found out eventually." Joe said, laying a hand on her leg, his hand shaking nervously. "I'm a dad. I've got a beautiful four-year-old daughter called Connie. She's staying with her Nanny, my mum, tonight. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner."

"Hey, it's okay, you'll have had your reasons, I get it. Have you got pictures, I bet she's gorgeous?" Dianne asked him, realising she hadn't seen any pictures of her. The ones in Joe's room were concealed by the curtain, so she would have walked by them without noticing.

"She is, but then I'm biased, here, this was one my mum sent earlier," Joe smiled, turning his phone so Dianne could see a picture of his daughter, pulling a funny, surrounded by cows. A chocolate labrador was sat next to her. "That's Connie, obviously and the dog is my mum's dog Hector, and the cows are her favourite thing, she goes and visits them every time she's at mum's."

"Aww she's so cute, have you got any of you two," Dianne asked the man who, she had a feeling, she was slowly developing a crush on, the thought of him having a daughter only adding to the, already strong, cause.

"Yep, she really wants to meet you by the way, she keeps saying things like, 'you need to tell Dianne that she's magic because daddy's arms and legs don't work together' she's quite sassy really." Joe said, hoping he wasn't being to intimidating.

"Aww, bless her, well I like her already, so come on then let's see you two together." She pushed, noticing how nervous he still was.

"Here, this is one Zöe, my sister, took when we were visiting them in Brighton in the summer," he showed her a picture of him and Connie looking into the sunset, before scrolling to the next photo he wanted to show her, "and this one is us watching a film that I play a seagull in. She bloody loves it" a selfie, this time, of the pair all cuddled up under blankets. "And this is what happens when she wakes up when all her uncles are there," Joe showed her a picture of Connie with all of his YouTube mates, pulling a funny face.

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