Reddo and Red Joe

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Joe's jaw hit the floor when he looked in the hotel mirror.

"Dianne Buswell, I might actually have to kill you, what is this?" He asked, running a hand through his hair that was a weird red colour.

"Kay, so we might have to do a second box," Dianne said standing at the threshold to the bathroom, biting her lip. "Film an update for your vlog and we'll do another box."

"So," he said, sat on the bed, talking to his phone, "attempt number one."

Dianne's hand was running through it now so that the viewers could get a good look at Joe's new hair colour, and also so she could figure out what to do next.

She laughed, "little different isn't it?"

"I said I wanted Dianne Buswell red, what is that?" He tilted his head to show the camera, as Dianne continued to mess with his hair.

"The thing is, I'd have to bleach you hair," she replied exasperated, she had warned him this might happen before they stated it all.

"Wait, what? What d'you mean?" He couldn't stop staring at his reflection, "oh because you'd have to go blonde first?" Joe concluded, watching as she separated each part of his hair to see how well the colour had grabbed.

"To make it red..."

Joe interrupted, as hs looked at his whole head, "this is grim Dianne. It's not even a nice red," Joe sighed, as Dianne let go of his hair, "also my hair is very long Jesus."

Dianne looked downtrodden, and so Joe decided to make light of the situation by doing an impression of a teenager, which worked and made her laugh.

"This is awful," he said honestly as Dianne continued to laugh, "I don't know why you're laughing, you're the one that's done this to me."

"I can fix it don't worry," she reassured him.

Joe didn't believe her somehow but went along, "let's try. Attempt number 2 let's go."

He turned his camera off and flopped against her legs, "I think Connie might actually cry when she sees this."

"Nah, she'll think it's funny that I dyed your hair, come on, let's do another round. If all else fails we can put some red spray in it and no one will know any different," Dianne suggested, as she pushed him up off the bed, back into the bathroom.

"This is your fault I'm going this, why did you have to say to my vlog who thinks Joe should dye his hair," Joe grumbled, he was used to making a tit of himself at home and not on national TV.

"Oh this has made you so grumpy, we'll fix it. Anyway you look cute," Dianne laughed, kissing his cheek, as she got the next box out.

"Can I remind you I have to go on national TV with, I don't even know what colour this is hair, and dance?"

"Sweetheart, it'll be okay, now, ready to sit still again?" Dianne said calmly, mixing the dye in the bowl, ready for his head.

"Don't you need gloves?"



Dianne sprung up from bed, "what? Are you okay?" She asked, rushing to the bathroom.

"I forgot I had red hair," he pouted, hugging her.

Dianne giggled and kissed him, "morning honey."

"Good morning?" He said it as though it was a question, he wasn't ready to be awake.

"Shall we go back to bed? It's early still," Dianne suggested, as he pulled her in tighter.

Two Become Three- A Joanne StoryWhere stories live. Discover now