As I pulled at Billy's driveway, I stopped the car so suddenly, I almost hit my head. I killed the engine, got out and ran to his door as soon as the car was locked. I knocked seven times and the door swung open by Billy. I gave him a quick hug before saying, "Dad'll be there at 11."

"Thanks," he replied, "We need him a lot. Come in."

I ran in, still a little panicking and ran to the living room, plopping down on a couch heavily. "God, Billy! A murder!"

He sat opposite me, resting his elbows on his knees, "I know."

"How did that happen?"

"You- you saw us and we saw what he did to you. Two furious men was all it took. I didn't think we'd go this far, I just knew he had to pay for what he did."

My frown increased, "Billy, I appreciate what you did, but a little self-control is always nice."

"Yea and I guess we lost it."

"How could he hide that from me?" I said loudly, going back to Nick.

He shook his head, "We've talked about it and he said he didn't want for you to worry. He loves you a lot, you know?"

I smiled, "I know and I love him, too. But he hided that two of the most important beings to me accidentally killed a man! So did you, Billy James! You wouldn't call if you didn't need my dad."

"Yes, I wouldn't, because that is what I promised Nick. It's a manly promise, it's important."

For the first time that day, I relaxed and laughed, "A manly promise? Nice."

"You could at least change," he said after a short pause, gesturing over my school uniform. It were a skirt in grey and red and a grey pullover.

"I ran out as soon as I ended my talk with dad. I guess we'll talk about me hiding my boyfriend later."

He waved his hand, "They'll understand. It's your parentd we're talking about here."

He was right. My parents could guard me for lying to them or smoking, but they'd understand that I was in love. They had a whole love story: their parents didn't want them together, because my dad was from a very poor family and my mom was very rich. They loved each other so much, they escaped to a suburgatory and got married after four years. They talked with parents every once in a while, just to make sure they were alive. They'd never guard me for falling in love.

At about 10 we left with my car to my house, where I changed into some nicer and warmer clothes. My mom wasn't at home, so I had to use the hidden key from under the welcoming carpet. After I was in a purple sweater and dark jeans, we went to the police.

It was quarter to 11 and when we entered, I saw Nick sitting on one of the chairs in the waiting hall. He saw me, too and his expression went alarmed. I stepped closer to him and so did he after he stood up.

"What are you doing here?" he asked before turning to Billy, "Billy, I thought we-"

I held out a hand for him to stop, "My father is the best lawer, he had to call me. Why didn't you tell me anything?"

He sighed, "I don't know, I didn't want you to worry."

Now I sighed, "You understand you just had to tell me, right?"

Another sigh, "I do, I'm sorry."

I uncrossed my arms from over my chest and wrapped them around Nick's neck. His hands immediately flew around my body as we hugged. Damn boy, I missed him.

"You have no idea how worried I was!" I whispered in his shoulder, "We'll get out of it, I promise."

He nodded in my shoulder as we squeezed each other.

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